Capital structure the cost of equity rises

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133495858

Question 1.

1. In each of the theories of capital structure the cost of equity rises as the amount of debt increases. So why don't financial managers use as little debt as possible to keep the cost of equity down? After all, isn't the goal of the firm to maximize share value and minimize shareholder costs?

2. Country Markets has an unlevered cost of capital of 12 percent, a tax rate of 38 percent, and expected earnings before interest and taxes of $15,700. The company has $12,000 in bonds outstanding that have a 6 percent coupon and pay interest annually. The bonds are selling at par value. What is the cost of equity?

Question 2.

1. Billingsley United declared a $0.20 a share dividend on Thursday, October 16. The dividend will be paid on Monday, November 10 to shareholders of record on Friday, October 31. What is the ex-dividend date?

2. You own 2,200 shares of Deltona Hardware. The company has stated that it plans on issuing a dividend of $0.42 a share at the end of this year and then issuing a final liquidating dividend of $2.90 a share at the end of next year. Your required rate of return on this security is 16 percent. Ignoring taxes, what is the value of one share of this stock to you today?

3. Tucker's National Distributing has a current market value of equity of $10,665. Currently, the firm has excess cash of $640, total assets of $22,400, net income of $3,210, and 500 shares of stock outstanding. Tucker's is going to use all of its excess cash to repurchase shares of stock. What will the stock price per share be after the stock repurchase is completed?

Reference no: EM133495858

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