Candidate personal life

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Reference no: EM133393054


One of the themes to address in this area is what makes you vote OR not vote for a certain candidate. In your lifetime you will come across political campaigns that bring up the personal lives of the candidates and some of the things political candidates do in their personal lives can be painted in a negative light. Some examples that have been brought up in past campaigns: a married candidate caught at a hotel with a prostitute, a candidate that had an abortion, a married candidate that was caught "sexting" with an underage minor, a married candidate caught having an affair, a married candidate whose wife had cancer who was caught having an affair (and the woman he was having the affair with subsequently had his child), I could go on and on - you get the idea. The question is - do you care about the personal lives of your candidates - is a candidate's personal life relevant to you in how you vote / would vote? Fully explain your answer.

Reference no: EM133393054

Questions Cloud

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Candidate personal life : The question is - do you care about the personal lives of your candidates - is a candidate's personal life relevant to you in how you vote / would vote?
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