Canadian business-manufactures product and service

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133531703

Imagine that you are the owner of a Canadian business that manufactures a product or provides a service, and answer the following questions in connection with your business:

1. What product or service does your business provide, and what is your business's name (1 mark)

2. What factors will be important to help you decide which foreign market to target? Using concepts from chapters 6-10 only, discuss three factors that will affect your decision and for each, explain why it is important. Be specific - your discussion should relate directly to your business.

3. Once you have decided on a foreign market, you should think about your market entry strategy. You are considering using a foreign direct investment or distributorship as your strategy.

- What do these strategies involve? How would you use each to expand your business. Be specific.

- Which strategy will you choose and why? Provide 2 reasons for your choice.

4. Identify three different types of intellectual property that relate to your business, and for each, describe the aspect of your business that each type of intellectual property relates to and how you can protect your rights to that intellectual property in Canada.

Reference no: EM133531703

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