Can you think of reasons for creating personality for brand

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131428592

1. Apple’s  “I’m a Mac-I’m a PC” campaign is a great illustration of the idea of brand personality, i.e., endowing brands with human-like attributes.

Can you think of some reasons for creating a personality for a brand? how can it help with marketing the product/service? Are there products (or product categories) for which a brand personality is less useful/desirable?

2. Collapse

The textbook describes a 5-stage Buying Process, where consumers go through several detailed steps, from Problem Recognition to Post-purchase Evaluation. If we think about our own buying experiences, we’ll most likely notice that some of our purchase decisions are more complex than others (think of buying a car, versus buying laundry detergent).

That is, some buying decisions are “Low involvement” and the Buying Process is quite quick and simple. Other buying decisions are “High involvement”, and the Buying Process is quite complex (i.e., we may actually go through all of the 5-stages and pay lots of attention to all the information available, evaluation of the possible choices, etc).

What are some characteristics that most High Involvement products (or purchases) have in common? That is, what makes them different form Low Involvement products (or purchases)?

Reference no: EM131428592

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