Can you name any security risks using autonomous devices

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM133471955


The term IoT or Internet of Things is defined as "physical objects or ‘things' connected to the Internet" (Duggal, N., 2021). Intelligent things are an emerging trend used to describe IoT devices that have some level of autonomy. According to Catherine Bischofberger, the Internet of Things will become the Intelligence of Things during the next decade (2020). It can be best described as the combination of artificial intelligence and IoT devices, sometimes seen as AIoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things).

The transformation of IoT to AIoT is important because it stands to shift the way people interact with the world around them and each other, just as the advent of the Internet has. There is potential for these IoT devices to operate autonomously through machine learning and repetitive interactions with humans to perform schedule functions like running the dishwasher at a certain time of the day or a robotic vacuum cleaning an area when a spill is detected.

An increased use of Intelligent Things poses varying different risks to an organization. These risks are related to information security, privacy, safety, and economic issues (U.S. G.A.O., 2017). Because this technology can negatively impact the security of networks and the collection of personal data, I believe laws governing data collection and security requirements will increase or change to cover the areas AIoT devices extend to. Those changes consequentially change the data privacy laws, such as the European Union's creation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Prior to the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act the auditing of information systems was not conducted within organizations. However, organizations now conduct cybersecurity audits of information systems that process financial data. As more physical items are connected to the Internet, become autonomous, and collect personal data the importance of legislation like the SOX Act will continue to have an impact on cybersecurity within business (Cryer, W., 2021).

Additional information about the Intelligence of Things can be found here. Do you think that cyber laws will need to change to protect citizens' privacy rights? What other ways may Intelligent Things impact organizations?


What is the trend?

Autonomous Things (AuT) are devices that utilize Artificial Intelligence (AI) to work tasks without human interaction (BTOES, n.d.). The reason I chose this topic was due to my recent experience with a smart(ish) car. I travel a lot for work and often get to drive rental cars. One of my trips, I was lucky enough to experience a car that not only controlled its own speed based off user input and speed match with the car in front, but it was also able to steer itself using the lines on the road. I'm talking about safe 90 degree turns at a slow speed. Blew my mind and I had a ton of fun. I'm not going to say I was able to safely text and drive, but I was able to share my experiences in real time. While self-steering and cruise-controlled cars are not entirely autonomous, it's as close as you can get, for now.

Other examples include robotics, drones, smart home devices, and autonomous software.

Why is it important?

AuT is important because it is becoming easier to use, apply, and purchase. Since AuT is mainly composed of sensors, those sensors are becoming cheaper to make and/or purchase (Dialani, 2020). Additionally, AuT not only affects the digital world, but it also affects the physical world. Lastly, over time, the use of AuT would provide more data and experience leading to increased efficiencies and profits.

How does it relate?

For Trusty Carpets, use of AuT could be beneficial for inventory management. Assuming the new business management software would be tracking the business inventory, it would be able to determine if new purchases should be made and if the warehouse would be able to store them.


Do you own any autonomous devices? Like a smart fridge? Or have you had any experiences with them?

Can you name any security risks using autonomous devices?


Discussion: Empowered Edge

What is the Empowered Edge trend?

Empowered Edge is a growing evolutionary change in the way computing and network topologies work and are designed. The change is where the computing processing and data load and transmission will be placed closer to the system generating data, then businesses can filter only the required compiled data. The purpose described by David Cearley, Gartner Vice President and Fellow, at Gartner 2018 Symposium/ITxpo in Orlando, Florida, labeled the trend as strategic to solve the existing multitude of Internet of Things (IoT) devices converging mass amounts of information onto the network burdening costs and high latency (Panetta, 2018).

Why is the Empowered Edge trend important?

Business, industry, and consumers rely on the smallest of IoT devices that have processor chips like sensors for aircraft status of speed, mechanical or fluid measurements, or industry machinery statuses, building power, lighting, environmental, farming, medical purposes such as heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, weather sensors and even zoo cameras all generate data and transmit. Even home use appliances use IoT. Refrigerators nowadays can scan your contents, make a list of groceries, alert you of that list or even place the order to local store.

The use of IoT devices is approximated to reach 20 billion sensors and endpoints in the network topology by 2020. The International Data Corporation (IDC) forecasts the world will generate 175 Zettabytes of data by 2025 (Empowered Edge: The next Evolution in Data Processing, 2020). This amount can overwhelm capabilities unless a solution is made.

Empowered Edge computing, according to Microsoft, can combine several advanced technologies such as 5G wireless with ability to handle immense amounts of data, plus the newer artificial intelligent (AI) processors that are small and becoming more powerful acting as smart application. (What Is Edge Computing and Why Is It Important? | Microsoft Azure, n.d.). The topology of and intelligent mesh design can change in three integral strenuous areas:

Remote device location connecting to a network.

Computing capability hampered by lagging network or low processing power.

Bandwidth issues caused by edge devices.

Business' goal is to augment processing the data of IoT closer to source generation and even remotely. The IoT/AI connection to network can be used at determined times reducing network latency. This choice of using advanced technology and smart business practices to process mass data at the edge sites and transmit sparingly can reducing network bandwidth resulting in process that is economical and profitable.

There are some instances where business doesn't require real-time information from sensors or security cameras but instead can be programmed for alerts to responsible staff of mechanism problems, fire or security alerts. These same IoT and AI devices sensors are onsite or remote, and being closer to the source can improve work environment safety.

How would the trend complement or fit in with the Trusty Carpets business case?

This trend fits in with the business case because Jerry's business now owns two warehouses with one located remote from main office. The advanced IoT and AI sensor devices are power efficient and backwards compatible to older computer systems, and wireless capable saving cable infrastructure costs. The more obvious benefits are real time and or alert programmed sensors that can indicate warehouse inventory, environment, safety, and security.

Things to discuss:

What are some edge devices (IoT and or AI) you use in your professional and personal life?

With cybersecurity issues on the rise business and industry trust these IoT / AI devices ?

Should businesses be aware of who manufactures and programs the IoT /AI devices?

Reference no: EM133471955

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