Can you draw real-world parallels between max and yourself

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Reference no: EM132252746

Question: A minimum of 75 words each question and References (if needed)(response #2-6) keep response with answer

(Except #1 please see interaction for #1)

Make sure the Responses includes the Following: (a) an understanding of the weekly content as supported by a scholarly resource, (b) a relation of the course content to personal or professional experience, and/or (c) the provision of a probing question.

1) Consider the case study on Max. Did you find examining a case study helpful to better understanding stress and stress-related illness? Can you draw some real-world parallels between Max and yourself? Can you draw some real-world parallels between Max and other people in your life, your job tasks, or academia? Please respond in 1-2 paragraphs.

2) Stress and Sleep Patterns?You may be interested to learn that stress can even manifest differently in people who identify as being morning vs evening individuals (Mecacci&Rochetti, 1998). In the study, the researchers found that patients with an evening personality preference had a higher frequency of psychosomatic and psychological disturbances than their morning counterparts. Succinctly, the evening personality types faired worse with social demands and aspects of stress.

3) It is not so difficult to see how stress, personality, and negative mood can all be so closely in relation and how each can feed off one another. The interconnection between the three can be described as very much as a relationship and that relationship is not always going to be a good one. According to Dougall and Baum, the components of stressors consist of three ways of examination which is stimulus, response, and process. Although this can be applied to everyone that does not necessarily mean that the outcome of reasons for will always be the same. Studies involving post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) show that it has been an issue since going to the Vietnam war. This is in both males and females and is still an ongoing issue in many of those individuals. Although hundreds of thousands still continue to deploy, that does not mean that all will develop symptoms but it does show that there will definitely be individuals will return with some form of PTSD. I believe studies like these show to be reliable but that is not always the case across the board.

4) Stress is considered both a psychological and cognitive issue. According to Richard Lazarus, he explains cognitive appraisal as a mental process. In this process, the individual access whether a demand will threaten his well-being physically or psychologically and if the resources are available to meet the demand (Sarafino, 2017). A person's response can be psychological by his thoughts and emotions, as if he is feeling nervous about taking a big exam. A person experiencing stress can also be psychological because he is experiencing feelings of distress or anxiety. A person experiencing stress cognitively has trouble with his memory, problems concentrating and his perception. Examples of stress being cognitive are memory loss, concentration problems, and always seeing the negativity in the situation. Examples of stress being psychological are feeling anxious, nervous, or distress

5) is considreded both a physiological and a cognitive issue. Hans Selye studied "the alarm reaction stage refers to the initial symptoms the body experiences when under stress. You may be familiar with the "fight-or-flight" response, which is a physiological response to stress". In this study conducted by Hans Selye, he explained how the alarm reaction stage is natural reaction we all have and it prepared to either flee or protect the scene that is dangerous. In this type of situations people will usually feel scared, heart rate increase and the body will release cortisol hormone, a stress hormone that will increase energy. (Higuerra V. 2017)

One example is wheveri am traveling by plane, if the plane starts moving due to turbulence, my heart beat increases and I get very nervous thinking i am in danger.One way, I try to manage my fear of airplanes is by practicing coping skills such as deep breathing, relaxation music and reading a book.

6) Stress can be defined as circumstances that demand more of our physical and psychological systems that affect us emotionally, physically, and psychologically (Sarafino, 2017). Personality is linked to stress because depending on our personality type, greatly affects the way that one may cope with their stress. There are two ways that are theorized that individuals cope with stress, they will either be problem focused, which they tend to mainly focus on the problem at hand, or they will be emotional focused, which allows them to focus more so on the stressor (Lecture 3. 2018). When an individual is in a negative mood, they are more likely to be problem focused and less likely to be emotional focused (Sarafino, 2017). Moreover, studies have shown that mood and personality can also create physical and biological health-related stressors and visa versa, such as the link between obesity and chronic depression (Dalton, 2016).

Reference no: EM132252746

Questions Cloud

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