Can we compose assignment using the sources and topics

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM13218125

Can you compose this assignment using these sources and topics?

The purpose of the first draft is to begin communicating your topic and to establish its relevance to a reader. The first draft will present an introduction (two to three paragraphs) and one section (two to three paragraphs) of the body of the paper. The first draft should include the sources you presented in your Annotated Bibliography. If you have made changes to your list of references, cite each new reference carefully both in the text and on the reference page. The length of the first draft is three to four pages of text, not including the title and References pages. The assignment includes a prewriting activity to plan the sections of the project. When you are finished, save the document as <your last name.Wk5 Project First Draft> and submit it to the Dropbox by the end of the week.

Hussain, Rashid (2011) International Journal of Academic Research Vol 3Issue 2, p1001-1007p 1 Diagram

This Journal discusses the importance of cyberspace and how the availability of the vast and endless range and resources.

Holladay, Jennifer. (2011) Backlashfrombulling. Cyber bullying Education Digest.

This article discusses the fear and humiliation that leads to teenage suicide as a result of cyber bullies.


Kiriakidis, Peter P.; (2013) Dearques, Lakes Romania Journal for multidiensional Education.

This article explores the teacher's knowledge and awareness of cyber bulling. The research was conducted at one high school demonstrates the willingness of teacher participation

Bret J. Litwiller & Amy M. Brausch (2013). Journal of Youth & Adolescence.

Bret J. Litwiller
Industrial / Organizational Psychology, University of Oklahoma
A. M. Brausch
Department of Psychology Western Kentucky University

This article highlights the different types of bulling that in most cases affect American youths between the age's of 10 and 24; suicide ranks the third leading cause of death


McHenry, Amanda (2011). Combating cyber bulling within the metes and bounds of existing supreme courts precedent. Case Western Reserve Law Review.

McHenry, Amanda Contributing Editor at Case Western Reserve University School of Law. The University of Akron.

The research will help support my argument on how ruthless children that bully their victims can be.

Reference no: EM13218125

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