Can the competencies be used unethically

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Reference no: EM132816312

Assignment: Option 2: Political Skills Inventory (Paper or Presentation)

After reading the article "Power, Politics, and Leadership in the Workplace" (Cairns, 2017), complete the Political Skills Inventory on Pages 7 and 8. What is your overall political score? Discuss each of your Individual Competency Scores. Do you feel the score adequately reflects your political skills? Can the competencies be used unethically? If so, how? How might you use each of the competencies to positively impact team performance? Would any of the power bases by involved? If so, which ones and how?

Understanding your leadership skills, knowledge, and abilities is important when addressing issues involving power, politics, and ethics. Located on the next page is the Skill Set Worksheet. Include in your submission five skills from the worksheet that you feel will contribute to your ability to address issues of power, politics, and ethics.

Your completed assignment must adhere to the following parameters:

• Be a 3- to 5-page paper (not including title and reference pages) or an 8- to 10-minute presentation (presentation tools such as Prezi, GoogleSlides, PowerPoint, Keynote, or others can be used).

• Be supported by a minimum of three credible, academic or professional sources. Remember, you must support your thinking and prior knowledge with references, even in a video presentation.

• Include an APA style reference list at the end of the paper or with your presentation file.

• Review the grading rubric.

• Be formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center.

Reference no: EM132816312

Questions Cloud

Internet privacy : Privacy is a concept that is rapidly evolving in relation to the most public of mediums, the Internet, What are the side effects of this action?
Discuss three among key matters that must be communicated : Discuss three among key matters that must be communicated with component auditors.
Determine the effect of the purchase of the additional units : Determine the effect of the purchase of the additional 20,000 units on the 2018 gross profit from the sale of Zuleflex and the payment due to Kim Langley.
Explain in detail categories of computer crime : The term computer crime encompasses a very broad range of criminal acts. Explain in detail categories of computer crime.
Can the competencies be used unethically : After reading the article "Power, Politics, and Leadership in the Workplace" (Cairns, 2017), complete the Political Skills Inventory on Pages 7 and 8.
Create physical security considerations checklist : Create a physical security considerations checklist for an office building or a hospital that evaluates necessary or optional physical controls
How are the shareholders taxed on the distributions : Distributes another $3,000 to each shareholder on December 21. How are the shareholders taxed on the distributions? Ignore the 20% QBI deduction.
How are the shareholders taxed on the distributions : Distributes another $3,000 to each shareholder on December 21. How are the shareholders taxed on the distributions? Ignore the 20% QBI deduction.
What is the annual net cash cost of the borrowing : If a corporation issued $4070000 in bonds that pay 5% annual interest, what is the annual net cash cost of this borrowing if the income tax rate is 30%?


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