Reference no: EM131431106
Sources Analysis
- "Is the Problem Solvable?" Review. Ending Homelessness 18 June 2004: n. pag. CQRe- searcher. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.
- This article is about the background information of homeless issue. It has a chronology time line of how the problem increased over time.
- "But, they insist, anyone receiving a shelter berth should first earn it, even if that only means agreeing to take his anti-psychotic medication." This quote fits into my paper. I am using this quote to prove my point of : homeless people should earn what they get, even it is government subsides.
- Katel, Peter. "Can New Government Policies End Homelessness?" Housing the Homeless
(2014): n. pag. CQResearcher. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.
- This article listed some anti-homelessness laws.
- Is providing housing the best way to end homelessness is the question debated in the Pro and Con section. An example is given that New York City has given so many time and money on rehousing families. But a daily report proofs that is not effective.
- "Home Free?." New Yorker, vol. 90, no. 28, 22 Sept. 2014, pp. 42-1.
- This article explained the Housing First program and showed it is effective. Furthermore, the author provided a new way which is instead of putting homeless people in shelter, lo- cated people into permanent supportive housing first, and then give them help.
- This is proved to be more effective than the tradition way which is let them take the treat- ment first before putting into permeant housing.
- Batten, Donna. "Homeless Person." Gale Virtual Reference Library. N.p., n.d. Web.
- This is an article explaining the terms that is being used in this issue.
- Henwood, Benjamin F., et al. "Examining Mortality among Formerly Homeless Adults En- rolled in Housing First: An Observational Study." BMC Public Health, vol. 15, no. 1, 04 Dec. 2015, pp. 1-8.
- This is a case study of the Housing First program.
- There is also data given of death rate, accident rate,etc.
- York, Jessica A. "Santa Cruz County's Homeless Count among Highest Nationwide, despite Drop." Santa Cruz Sentinel. Santa Cruz Sentinel, 20 Nov. 2015. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.
- This is a news article of homeless problem in Santa Cruz.
- And it talks about how the high-rate in housing becomes a problem to provide housing for the homeless.
- "Causes Of Homelessness." Causes Of Homelessness | The Homeless Hub. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.
- This website explains the reason why people become homeless.
- Most of the time people become homeless because of loss of family or income. And for people who are poor it is really hard to afford housing, some times even foods.
- May 25, 2012 | by Tracy Miller | Topic: Economics & Political Systems, Faith & Society Print. "Homelessness: How Government Policy Makes It Worse." The Center for Vision and Values at Grove City College. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb. 2017.
- This website talks about how some of the policy in some way helps the number of home- less people to increase.
- One of the example is the subsidies housing. The wait line of subsidies housing for low in- come single-parent family is really long. In order to get the housing faster, some people choose to go homeless first.
- Subsides program is really good which provides homeless people everything they needed, housing, food, money, etc. They can simply receive them without paying the "price". Some people likes to continue the way it is now. So they will never try to find a job or do some- thing that can improve their life.
- "Dealing with the Problem of Homelessness." Gale Virtual Reference Library. N.p., n.d. Web.
26 Feb. 2017.
- Since the issue of homelessness is very debatable and they created so many problems. Many people argue that the government should not help them. And this article stated the reason why the government is setting up program to help the homeless people.
- One of the main reason is the human right. And this article also listed some of the program that it is running right now.
- Baumohl, Jim. "Addiction and the American Debate about Homelessness." British Journal of Addiction, vol. 87, no. 1, Jan. 1992, pp. 7-10.
- This article is addressing the problem of addiction among the homeless people.
- This article gives an example of people moving in into shelter even they had the money to rent a room. In order to save money to buy drugs many addict will move out of their rented room and move to drug tolerable shelter.