Can leaders really motivate employees

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Reference no: EM131473481 , Length: word count : 500

Assignment : Discussion-Can Leaders Really Motivate Employees?

In today's turbulent environment, success depends on employees using their skills and capabilities to the fullest. Employee motivation can be a challenge at work. Those leaders who don't emphasize employee satisfaction as a key part of the organizational strategy will not be able to leverage the potential of the human assets to the fullest.

Every person needs motivation at work. The reasons for working vary widely, but we all work because we obtain something that we need from work.

This affects morale, production, retention, and overall quality of life. To create positive employee motivation, employees must have a voice and feel that they are worthy to the team and to the organization.

Using the module readings and the Argosy University online library resources respond to the following:

Can leaders really motivate employees? If so, how and for how long?

Is there a way to create and sustain a motivating environment that will also help retain talent? What is it? How does it work?

Post your response to the appropriate Discussion Area. Review and comment on at least two peers' responses.

Write your initial response in 300-500 words. Your response should be thorough and address all components of the discussion question in detail, include citations of all sources, where needed, according to the APA Style, and demonstrate accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation

Do the following when responding to your peers:

Read your peers' answers.

Provide substantive comments by contributing new, relevant information from course readings, Web sites, or other sources;
building on the remarks or questions of others; or sharing practical examples of key concepts from your professional or personal experiences

Respond to feedback on your posting and provide feedback to other students on their ideas.

Make sure your writing is clear, concise, and organized; demonstrates ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and displays accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Reference no: EM131473481

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