Reference no: EM132411781
Assignment: 1) Write a short description of what you saw (1-2 paragraph/s).
2) Explain how what you learned from the movie is related with sustainability and businesses (do they impact one another? How? Can businesses act to create change? etc.) (1/2-1 page single space)
3) Write an " analytical/critical piece" including any thoughts, comments, feelings, ideas, suggestions you had (1-2 pages single space).
- If you include information in your report that you got from a webpage, book, movie (no including the one you saw) include the reference at the end of the assignment
- Evaluation: if you completed the 3 items and if your answers are well thought/make sense/show that you reflected/thought about and searched what you wrote
can be either of the following movies
Netflix - Minimalism (consumerism)
Netflix - Saving Capitalism