Can a statement be rated true if it contains an assumption

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133573278

1. Analyze: In at least 150 words, post a response to the assigned reading by analyzing the text (this is a close reading to find the deeper meaning; do not summarize the reading). What were your answers to the five questions in the Discovery Exercise on page 3? What did or did not surprise you? What were your answers to the eight questions in "After the Discussion" on page 3?

Experiencing How We Actually Think: An Exercise for the Whole Class to Complete Together

This is an exercise designed for thinking in two stages: first quietly alone and then only afterwards with others. Look at the photograph. Based on what you see there, rate each of the following statements as either true, false, or can't answer. Write your answers without discussing either the questions or your replies with anyone else.

_____ 1. This is graduation day for the Johnson family.

_____ 2. The parents are proud of their daughter.

_____ 3. The little brother is also proud.

_____ 4. This is a prosperous family.

_____ 5. This photo was taken on campus right after the ceremony.

Wait when you have finished this quiz without talking to anyone else about your choices. Sharing too soon could spoil the results of this experiment. When all have finished, the instructor will poll your answers to each statement. Then you will be asked to break up into two or more groups to defend your answers. Each group will try to arrive at a consensus, functioning somewhat like a jury.

After the Discussion Review

the following questions through discussion or writing. You will notice that some of these questions will already have been raised in your groups.

1. What are your definitions of the following terms?

True False Can't Answer

2. Can a statement be rated true if it contains an assumption?

3. Is it possible to determine whether a written statement is true if it contains ambiguous words or phrases?

4. Should a statement be rated true if it is highly probable?

5. What makes a statement true or false?

6. Did you find yourself reluctant to choose the option of can't answer? Why or why not?

7. How can we know whether or not something is true?

8. What did this exercise teach you?

Reference no: EM133573278

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