Reference no: EM13814246
Calorie Management
One of the main purposes of this program is to make it easier for a person who is trying to lose weight or stay fit by managing calories, most people don't count calories they will just try to remember what they eat without using a scale or using the proper calculations to accurately have the proper information on how many calories that the food that they are eating really has. This program will eliminate all of the miss understandings of proper calorie intake and the proper way to record it so that the user knows how many calories they are supposed to have or not have during the course of a day .
There are many other factors that should be accounted for also that this program does take in to consideration. Some of these things could be exercise, or just the everyday commute around by walking, moving and just being active will burn calories and this will lessen or gratin the amount of calories a person can consume in a given day.
When the program starts the food that the person has ate and the amount needs to be added in the primary input of the program. An average 130-pound woman can maintain her weight on 1,690 calories per day. Now, let's say she wants to lose a few pounds.
To lose weight, she needs to create a negative balance by reducing the amount of daily calories and increasing her exercise to burn even more calories. For instance, she needs to get on a 1,400-calorie food plan, plus work out aerobically 4 -5 days per week. She'd have no problem shedding some weight safely and efficiently.
Plug their own stats into the formula, and figure out what it will take calorically to melt away those unwanted pounds. Understand that no one should ever eat less than 1,200 calories per day; you will slow down your metabolism and set yourself up to gain all the weight back. Even if you are very petite, and the math works out to be less than 1,200-stick with 1,200 calories and jack up your exercise.
Body Mass Index
Body mass index or BMI is the measure of body fat based on height and weight. The ratio is calculated by dividing a person's weight by the square of a person height.
The body mass index chart is important because it allows a person to evaluate their health so that hopefully they will start or continue living a healthy lifestyle.
The Categories
The body weight index results are categorized into four groups. Those groups are underweight, normal weight, over weight, and obesity. The underweight category is determined when your body mass index is less than 18.5. Even though being underweight might not sound bad it often times is as bad as being overweight. It can lead to problems such as a weak immune system, nutrient deficiencies, and digestion dangers.
The next category is normal weight. Normal weight is determined when your body mass index is 18.5 to 24.9. Normal weight is your ultimate goal. The trick is to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating right, exercise and staying at a healthy weight. The next category is overweight. Overweight is determined when your body mass index is 25 to 29.9. Being overweight puts you at risk of various health conditions. The risks can include high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Being overweight is a sign that you need to begin to live a healthy lifestyle your health condition begins to get more serious. The final category is obesity. Obesity is determined when your body mass index is 30 or higher.
Obesity is a very serious health risk. In this category you develop health problems such as heart attack, cancer, stroke, nonalcoholic fatty liver, breathing conditions, and many more serious dieses that can lead to death. The list is very long and your quality of life is tremendously affected. Symptoms often include depression, disability and low self-esteem. Although these are not factors in all cases.
The Formula and Calculation
The calculation behind finding out one's body mass index it a simple one. The formula is it divides you weight by your height then multiplied by 703. For example is you have a person who is 150 pounds and their height is 5'5 or 65 inches the calculation would be [150 ÷ (65)2] x 703 = 24.96 (
In this example the person is considered a normal or healthy weight based on the BMI table. Although the body fat calculation are very strong on the BMI table there are slightly not necessarily always true. For instance woman then to have more body fat than man, and athletes also then to have less body fat than non-alethic people. So even though the table is very accurate factor may be different depending on age, race and gender.