Calculator to indicate sale prices when he marks items down

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13940566

A retailer would like a calculator to indicate sale prices when he marks items down at various percentages.
Using Java Language
Design, implement, test, and debug a GUI application that allows the retailer to enter the item's name, the item's original price, and the percentage discounted.

The application should include a Calculate button that, when pressed, computes and displays the sale price in a label or text field.

The program should allow the retailer to enter any number of items in this manner.
Include an Exit button to end the execution of the application.
The program should allow the user to select a department from a menu. You may create the menu as a true menu, a JComboBox, or radio buttons.
Create your own list to populate the menu: men's clothing, women's clothing, house wares, and so forth.
Include at least five departments.
Create a JTextArea or a JTable to display each of the following for each item entered:

Item name
Original price
Sale price

Reference no: EM13940566

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