Calculations draw doping profile of the diode

Assignment Help Electrical Engineering
Reference no: EM132684285

SUPREM Assienment - 2

Hand calculate the following fabrication schedule and use SUPREM to simulate the fabrication schedule:

1. Silicon wafer 100 orientation with resistivity of

2. Clean wafer wader with RCA procedure

3. Wet oxidation at 1000°C for 45 minutes, insert wafer at rate of 3 inches/minute in nitrogen, then turn on wetO2 when wafers reached 1000°C, keep for 45 minutes and take out wafers at rate of 3incheshninutes in nitrogen

4. Photolithography step, i.e. photoresist coating, exposure, developing, hardening of photoresist or use Mask-I to define 1pm wide window

5. Etch oxide from window

6. Pre-deposition at 950°C for 45 minutes, i.e. insert wafers under nitrogen at rate of 3 inches/minutes with phosphorous sources, keep for 45 minutes

7. Withdraw wafers from furnace at rate of 3 inches/minute, and remove phosphorous sources

8. Insert wafer in furnace at 3 inches/minutes under nitrogen, when reached at 950°C turn on Oxygen for 10 minutes. At the end of 10 minutes remove from furnace under nitrogen at the rate of 3 inches/minute

9. Etch phospho silicate glass (oxide growth during pre-deposition doped with phosphorous in the window, i.e. oxide will grow from ceramic of Phosphorous source emitting oxygen along with phosphorous when heated)

10. Drive-in in Wet02 at I 000°C for 45 minutes, i.e. inserting wafers under nitrogen at 3 inches/minutes, after 45 minutes withdraw wafers from wafer at the rate of 3 inches/minute.

11. Photolithography step to define contact window 0.5pm wide for n-region and for p-Si

12. Metallize with Aluminum around 2 p.m thick

13. Photolithography step to define metal

14. Etch off excess metal

15. Sintering (making intimate contact of Aluminum at 430°C) in nitrogen. This is to make Ohmic contact
This completes the pn-junction or diode fabrication
a. Calculate junction depth after step - 15
b. Calculate Surface concentration after Step - 15
c. Find average resistivity, average sheet resistance, and average doping concentration in doped (n-region) after step - 15
d. Estimate the diode current, built-in voltage, reverse saturation current, junction capacitance, switching speed of the diode. Use area (A) of junction I gm'
e. Based on the calculations draw doping profile of the diode
f. SIMULATE with SUPREM the above schedule, and use electrical command that will calculate mobility, diffusion coefficient of electrons and holes. Use bias of 0.6V for electrical command
g. Highlight on output file the oxide rate constants, segregation coefficient, the thickness of oxide in field region, and inside windows (For graduate students only)
h. Highlight in the output file oxide rate constants, segregation coefficient, thickness of oxide in field region after step -15, after steps -3, and after step - 8
i. Highlight the junction depth on output file after step - 15
j. Draw doping profile after step - 15
k. Draw cross-sectional diagram with SUPREM after step - 15 (For graduate students only)
l. Estimate the diode current, built-in voltage, reverse saturation current, junction capacitance, switching speed of the diode, using parameters from the SUPREM output file

Turn a-k in single PDF file, i.e. output file, and graphical output. Highlight the parameters mentioned above in steps a-k

Read SUPREM manual for commands to be used, particularly silicon initialization, oxidation growth, pre-deposition, drive-in, etch, plot net impurity, mask or cross-sectional diagram drawing, and electrical command.

Reference no: EM132684285

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