Calculation of taxable income and income tax payable

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Reference no: EM132428709

Assessment description: Case Study requiring preparation of workpapers, calculation of taxable income and income tax payable, preparation of an individual tax return, and a letter of advice.


Question 1. Using the EXCEL template provided, prepare a set of workpapers - separate sheets within you EXCEL document as indicated. Include detailed explanations about whether each item is assessable income or gives rise to an allowable deduction. Show all workings, explain why you have treated items as you have, and provide appropriate authority for your decisions by referencing sections of the legislation, case law and/or income tax rulings.Your workpapers need to be complete so that they can be reviewed by your supervisor and relied upon in the event of any future audit.They should also be reconciled and cross-referenced to reporting labels on the income tax return.
Question 2. The TEMPLATE includes separate sheets for:
a. Salary & Wages Income
b. Other Income (e.g., interest and dividends)
c. Capital Gains
d. Rental Property
e. Deductions
f. Tax calculation
g. Letter of advice

Question 3. Tax Payable, Offsets,& Levies: Include all levies and offsets considered (Medicare, Medicare surcharge, franking credits, tax paid, low income rebate, private health rebate) and explain why they are or are not applicable and reconcile to the tax return calculation).

Question 4. Organise your work papers so that amounts are directly transferrable to items on the Income Tax Return and provide cross references to the tax return label where the amount is reported.Make sure that all calculation steps are visible in your workpapers to ensure your full work is markable and marked.

Question 5. Depreciation calculations can be done using Handitaxwith the total transferred back to the rental property section of your workpapers for reconciliation purposes.

Question 6. Use Handi tax to prepare the income tax return, including any relevant schedules, for the year ended 30 June 2019. Use your own name, andthe Dummy TFN from the client set up sheet. All other details are to come from the assignment instructions.

Question 7. Write a professional letter of advice to your client summarising their tax situation and explaining the important aspects of the items that are included in their tax return and those that have been disregarded.You should include advice to the client about potential improvements to their record keeping and other information that is relevant for future tax planning.It is recommended that you seek help from Student Learning Support to ensure that you have used professional language and your letter is error free.Your letter should be about 2 pages long - comprehensive but concise. If it is too long your client won't bother reading it (and it will NOT be marked). It should be written in language and pitched at a level your client will understand. It should not be too technical; your client is unlikely to be interested in which sections of the legislation form the basis of your decisions.Do you need to provide your client with any instructions?

Attachment:- taxable income.rar

Reference no: EM132428709

Questions Cloud

Describe time when you used critical thinking : What do you think critical thinking is? Describe a time when you used critical thinking.
Calculate the cash collected from customers : Credit sales totaled $45,000 during the month. Calculate the cash collected from customers during the month, assuming that all sales were made on account
Development of the cost of capital : How the formulation of cash flows, the development of the cost of capital are different and form illustrative, numerical examples to make your points.
Describe your idea of an effective learning experience : Describe your idea of an effective learning experience? Use descriptive language and try to incorporate all of the five senses.
Calculation of taxable income and income tax payable : Calculation of taxable income and income tax payable, preparation of an individual tax return, and a letter of advice - prepare the income tax return
Analysis to predict project success : How to utilize the analysis to predict project success/failure in terms of shareholder wealth and other relevant factors
Compute the machine payback period : A machine can be purchased for $291,000 and used for five years, Compute the machine's payback period (ignore taxes)
Identify the steps to the process : How to identify the steps to the process such as the formulation of cash flows, the development of the cost of capital (i.e., weighted average cost of capital
Individual personal ethics and business ethics : Financial executives insist that there should be no separation between an individual's personal ethics and his or her business ethics.


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