Calculation of membership and displays

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132102519


This assessment is designed to assess your understanding of variables, constants, types, operators, input/output, loops, if statements, classes, objects and functions.


Create a C# application that calculate and displays membership fees for N customers who registered for membership from a sport center based in Victoria, Australia. Declared a constant variable M to be equal to the largest digit of your student id number (e.g. if your student id is s3025423 then M should be equal to 5). Assume M=4, if the largest digit of your student id number is less than 4. The standard charges of membership are shown below

Length of Membership

Rate (including tax)

1-6 months

$30.0 per month

6-12 months

$27.5 per month

More than 12 months

$25.0 per month

Specific Requirements

- The application should ask the user to enter the customer name, the number of months for membership, and yes or no to indicate whether the customer receives a special offer or not. The special offer will give customers a 15% discount of the memship no matter how many months they register.
- Assume that the number of month to be entered is an integer type with the range between 1 and 60. An error message should be issued if a user enters a value beyond this range and the re-entering is required.
- The program makes a calculation of membership and displays the result as shown in the below figure. The program should be kept running with entering next set of input data.

- After all M sets of input data are entered from the keyboard, your program will also display the information that includes the customer spending most, the customer spending least as well as a simple bar chart to display how many members with the number of months are less than 6 months and greater than/equal 6 months as shown in the below figure.

- The application should be user-friendly by displaying appropriate welcome, exit and error message. Your program should be run as normal without changing any source code except setting M with a different value.

Submission Requirements

You are required to submit two files:

1. Your application project packed as a single zip file.

2. A user manual document to show how your program works, provide screenshot and test cases. Assignment Cover Sheet with your name and student ID should be added at the beginning as a cover page. Document should be submitted in Word format.

(The document and the project should be submitted separately. Do not zip the document)

Attachment:- Assignment Specification.rar

Verified Expert

The application is build in C# console technology. In this application you can enter details of 4 gym membership details as soon as you entered the 4th member details you will get the summary of all the members.

Reference no: EM132102519

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9/2/2018 9:53:53 PM

Due date: Refer to Assignment Submission Box on VU Collaborate Weighting: 20% of total assessment Coverage: This assessment item is based on course content in weeks 1- 4 Assessment Criteria Your assignment will be marked based on the specified functionalities, use of loops and If statements, the use of classes and objects, input and output functionality, user-friendly features and report presentation.

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