Calculating the least squares regression line

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131465167


This project leads you through a statistical analysis of student data.

Data Analysis Project - Part B

Part B Submission - You should submit one word document consisting of:

  • Part B coversheets - first four pages, including completed self-marking sheet for Part A with reflection.
  • Copy of your Part A submission
  • Written answer as letteror email for Part B - this should follow the format given on page 5 of Part B coversheets
  • Appendices for Part B, which contain full statistical working for the required statistical tasks.

Part B Preparation - While the submission date for Part B is Tuesday 25 April 2017, you should be working on Part B during Weeks 5 to 8.

It is recommended that you follow the following timetable

  • Self-marking of, and reflection on, Part A should be attempted in Week 5
  • Question 1, covering Topic 5, should be attempted in Week 6
  • Question 2, covering Topic 6, should be attempted in Week 8


Task 1 - Part A Self-Marking

When directed to do so during Week 5 complete the following tasks

1) Open yoursaved copy of your submission for Part A.

2) Replace the Part A coversheets (three pages) with the Part B coversheets (first four pages).

3) Rename and save this file as "Family Name_First Name_Part_B_Campus".

4) Use the solution template and marking guide provided to mark your submission for Part A. Enter recommended marks on the self-marking sheet for Part A, page 3 of the file in 3) above

5) Write a short (approximately 200 words) reflection/feedback on your submission and marking of Part A. In particular;

  • consider the good aspects of your submission, what did you do well
  • identify where you made mistakes, and how you would avoid them in the future
  • consider what you learnt from submitting and marking Part A.

This is to be entered in the space at the bottom ofthe self-marking sheet for Part A.

6) Save file. This is to be submitted with the rest of Part B - due Tuesday 25 April 2017.

Task 2 - Part B Appendix - Statistical Inference Tasks

The following statistical tasks should appear as appendices to your written answer. This should include all necessary steps and appropriate Excel, or equivalent, output.

These appendices should come after your written answerwithin your single word document for Part B.

In preparing your appendices you may use one of the following formats:

  • Word with Excel output added.
  • Handwritten with Excel output added. This will then need to be scanned and added to your word document.

Statistical Inference Tasks -

Choose a level of significance for any hypothesis test and a level of confidence for any confidence interval. Enter these values on page 2 of the Part B coversheets along with the sample number from Part A.

Question 1 - Topic 5

Following your email or letter in Part A your friend asks you for an estimate of the averagetime a student spends in the MySCU site for the unit specified by your sample.

To provide this estimate use Time in MySCU Site Hours, and an appropriate statistical inference technique to answer the following question

  • For the specified unit what is the mean time a student who attempts the final exam spends in the MySCU site?

Question 2 - Topic 6

The Unit Assessor for the specified unit states that students should spend more than an hour a week in the MySCU site. That is, more than 15 hours during the 15 week session.

Knowing from Part A that the mean may be affected by extreme values, your friend asks you if the median number of hours students spend in the MySCU site is more than 15.

To provide a justified answer to this question use the Time in MySCU Site Hours data and an appropriate statistical inference technique to answer the following question

  • In the specified unit do more than 50% of students, who attempt the final exam, spend more than 15 hours in the MySCU site?

Part B - Written Task

For each question present the results of your calculations, with your interpretation and conclusion as part of a letter or email to your friend.

Use the instructions given on page five of the Part B coversheets.

This should be a one to three pages and 200 to 400 words.

It should be submitted as a Word file with Excel output included.

Make sure you:

  • Introduce the question and put it in context.
  • Answer the question in non-statistical language
  • Present the results of your intervals or tests without unnecessary statistical jargon
  • Include conclusions which answer the given questions.

Data Analysis Project - Part C

Part C Preparation - While the submission date for Part C is Tuesday 16 May 2017, you should be working on Part C during Weeks 8 to 11.

It is recommended that you follow the following timetable

  • Question 1 covering Topic 7 should be attempted in Week 9
  • Question 2 covering Topic 8 should be attempted in Week 10
  • Question 3 covering Topic 9 should be attempted in Week 11

Task 1 Part C - Appendix Statistical Inference and Regression and Correlation Tasks

The following statistical tasks should appear as appendices to your written answer. This should include all necessary steps and appropriate Excel, or equivalent, output.

These appendices should come after your written answer within your single word document for Part C.

In preparing your appendices you may use one of the following formats:

  • Word with Excel output added.
  • Handwritten with Excel output added. This will then need to be scanned and added to your word document.

Choose a level of significance for any hypothesis tests. Enter this value on page 2 of the Part C cover sheets along with the sample number from Part A.

Use your sample and appropriate statistical inference and regression and correlation techniques to answer the following questions.

Question 1: Statistical Inference Topic 7

It is now near the end of Session 1. Your friend is enrolled in Unit 1X, where X is the unit number specified by your sample, in Session 2.

Your friend asks if they should expect to spend a similar amount of time in the MySCU site for Unit 1X as in Unit X.

To provide a justified answer to this question use the Time in MySCU Site Hours and Time in MySCU Site Mark Unit 1X data and an appropriate statistical inference technique to answer the following question

  • On average do students, who attempt the final exam, spend the same time in the MySCU sites for Unit X and Unit 1X

Questions 2 and 3 Simple and Multiple Linear Regression

Your friend is interested in predicting their examination mark for Unit X, and asks you to develop a model to predict their examination mark from their Session Mark and/or Hours Spent in MySCU.

To answer this question you develop linear and multiple regression models and then choose the model which best fits the data.

Question 2 - Simple Linear Regression Model Topic 8

Use Exam Mark out of 100(dependent variable) and either Time in MySCU Site Hours OR Session Mark out of 100 (independent variables) to develop and explore a simple linear relationship between the two variables by:

  • Plotting data with a scatter plot.
  • Calculating the least squares regression line, correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination.
  • Interpreting the gradient and vertical intercept of the simple linear regression equation.
  • Interpreting the correlation coefficient and coefficient of determination. In particular, are these values consistent with your scatter plot?

Question 3 - Multiple Linear Regression model Topic 9

Use Exam Mark out of 100(dependent variable) andbothTime in MySCU Site HoursAND Session Mark out of 100 (independent variables) to develop and explore a multiple linear relationship between the three variables by:

  • Calculating the multiple regression equation, multiple correlation coefficient, and coefficient of multiple determination.
  • Interpreting the values of the multiple regression coefficients.
  • Discussing the values of the multiple correlation coefficient and coefficient of multiple determination. In particular, compare these with the corresponding values for the simple linear regression model

Then determine the best model to predict examination mark by:

  • Using appropriate tests to determine which independent variables make a significant contribution to the regression model.

Task 2 - Written Answer - Emails or Letter

For Question 1 and Question 2 and 3 combined present the results of your calculations, with your interpretation and conclusions as part of a letter or email to your friend.

Use the instructions given on pages four and five of the Part C coversheets.

This should be 300 to 700 words and three to six pages

It should be submitted as a Word file with Excel output embedded

Make sure you:

  • Introduce each question and put it in context
  • Answer the questions in non-statistical language.
  • Present the result of your calculations and tests without unnecessary statistical jargon
  • Include conclusions which answer the given questions.

In particular, for Question 2 and 3

  • Explain the choice of independent and dependent variables
  • Include your scatter plot
  • From your scatter plot discuss any apparent relationship between exam mark and either session mark or time in MySCU. Comment on the strength, shape and sign of the relationship.
  • Include and justify your recommended model.
  • Discuss and interpret the values of the regression and correlation coefficients of your recommended model.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Reference no: EM131465167

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4/17/2017 5:15:09 AM

Project Submission-Each part of the project should be presented as a SINGLE Word file with Excel output included. The given cover sheets should be used as the first pages of your submitted project and are not part of the page limit. DO NOT submit your appendices, which are not part of the page limit, for either part B or C as separate files. Also, ensure that the page setup of your submitted document is A4 Portrait, with an appropriate format so that it is easily readable if printed.


4/17/2017 5:15:02 AM

The written answers, with appendices for Parts B and C, should each be submitted as a single word document. In preparing your appendices you may use one of the following formats: Word with Excel output added. Handwritten with Excel output added. This will then need to be scanned and added to your word document. Notes - You should not need to read beyond the study guide and textbook to complete the project And You probably will not need to reference, but if you do, use any consistent referencing style.


4/17/2017 5:14:53 AM

Instructions Stats project. Need parts B and C only. This project leads you through a statistical analysis of student data. This data includes the time spent during a Session in the MySCU site for a SCU unit and the resultant Session and Exam marks. Part A covers parts of Topic 1, Part B parts of Topics 5 and 6 and Part Cparts of Topics 7 to 9. You are expected to use Excel, or another spreadsheet or statistical package, when completing the project. Your written answers presenting findings and conclusions should be considered as a part of a letter or email to a friend. Each written answer should be a word document into which your Excel, or similar, output has been copied.

Write a Review

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  What is the probability

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  Frequency distribution

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