Calculates the minimum maximum and average for each quiz

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13811403

Write a Java application that calculates the minimum, maximum, and average for each quiz. Print the output results in a table format using a text area. Use loop and if statement control structures as well as Array data structure.

Expected output format


Class List

Spring 2013

Students Quiz1 Quiz2 Quiz3 Quiz4

Fatma 10 9 3 7

Ahlam 2 7 8 8

Eiman 5 9 3 9

Suad 7 8 4 10

Lamia 8 9 3 9

Samera 5 4 5 5

Alia 3 9 5 9

Wedad 9 4 4 5

Huwida 6 8 5 9

Sanaa 4 7 6 8

Summary Report:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Min 2 4 3 5

Max 10 9 8 10

Ave 5.9 7.4 4.6 7.9

Standing S G P G

Chart used to determine student standing

Average Standing Letter

9-10 Excellent E

7-8 Good G

5-6 Satisfactory S

Less than 5 Poor P

Reference no: EM13811403

Questions Cloud

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