Calculated value to your experimental value

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM1322623

Dice Probabilities:

A common dice game called craps is played in several variations, resulting in an infinitely large probability tree. To see some of the results associated with large probability tree. To see some of the results associated with large probability trees, consider the following single die game, similar to creaps, which we will call scraps.

A player rolls a single die, if the player rolls 2 or 6, he wins. If the player rolls a 1 he loses. With any other result the player rolls again. If his second roll matches his first roll, he wins. If he 2nd roll is 1,2 or 6, he loses. If the player does not win or lose on his second roll he continues to roll, using the same criteria given for the second roll.

i.e. 6 wins
3 4 6 loses
1 loses
3 5 2 loses
3 5 4 3 wins
3 3 wins
2 wins
3 3 3 3 4 5 wins

How close is the calculated value to your experimental value?

Reference no: EM1322623

Questions Cloud

Risk identification and risk control : What is the difference between risk identification and risk control in the context of protecting information systems?
Probability of drawing two diamonds : What is the probability of drawing two diamonds after discarding 5 and 7.
Probability of drawing from a poker hand : The probability of drawing a 6 (to complete an inside straight) after discarding the ace.
Organizational design : Consider a company you have worked for in the past , evaluate its organizational design at your time of employment
Calculated value to your experimental value : How close is the calculated value to your experimental value?
Paired samples t-test for the given data : Paired samples t-test for the given data - financial advice from the voluntary organization - A local voluntary organization affiliated to the Citizens Advice Bureau offers free financial advice to residents in the area who are registered debtors
Estimate the probability of winning-dice probabilities : Using classical methods discussed in class, try to estimate the probability of winning.
Comparison of paired and unpaired samples test : Comparison of paired and unpaired samples test - Identify which of the two tests (Independent samples and Paired samples) test is the preferred test and justify your choice.
Dice probabilities using excel : If the player does not win or lose on his second roll he continues to roll, using the same criteria given for the second roll.


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