Reference no: EM133089732
Exercise - The Earth System and Sustainability
In this lab you will:
1) Explore the way human population grows exponentially.
2) Examine how population growth is related to resource depletion.
3) Calculate your personal ecological footprint on planet Earth. From this you can see why our present consumption patterns and population growth are not sustainable in terms of the human impact on the biosphere.
Part I - Exponential Growth
In this section you will use hand calculations to examine how living organisms undergo exponential population growth. We will use a hypothetical example where you are given 2 rabbits which you are to breed. You place them in a large fenced-in area and give them an unlimited supply of food and water. During your breeding project the rabbits multiple at a net rate of 50% per year (75% reproduction rate minus 25% mortality). This scenario and these rates are not realistic, but then neither is you breeding rabbits!
Exponential growth can easily be calculated by using the following relationship:
new total = old total + (old total x growth rate)
new total = old total x (1.0 + growth rate)
1) Use the above relationship to calculate the rabbit population and yearly increase for each time interval in Table 1.1. For example, to find the number of rabbits at the end of the first year, simply take the number of rabbits we started with (2), and multiple by 1.50 (i.e., 1.0 + 0.50 growth rate). The entry for year-1 would be as follows:
2 rabbits x 1.50 = 3 rabbits; an increase of 1 rabbit.
When completing the table, be sure to round all your answers to the 2nd decimal place--just follow the examples in the first three rows of the table. Note that you will use the rounded population value at the end of a given year as the beginning population for the next year.
Table 1.1
Time (Year)
Beginning Population
Ending Population
Yearly Increase
2) Using the provided graph paper, accurately plot the number of rabbits at the end of each year from Table 1.1 versus time. Then, draw a smooth curve through the points.
3) Based on the shape of your graph, it should be clear that the rabbit population grows in a non-linear (exponential) manner.
a) Describe the trend that you see in the yearly increase column of Table 1.1 which proves that the growth is non-linear.
b) In simple terms, explain why exponential growth occurs in natural organisms.
4) The graph of human population in Figure 1.1 shows the population growth on planet Earth over the past 12,000 years. Up until the 1700s, growth rate had been fairly slow, but afterwards, the rate greatly accelerated. Describe the change in society that occurred around this time that can account for more rapid population growth.
5) Ever since the industrial revolution began, some people have been predicting that Earth's human population can continue to expand exponentially. Describe the major factor that environmentalists believe will ultimately limit population growth.
6) As shown in Figure 1.2, because human population continues to expand, Earth's finite resources are naturally being depleted at an exponential rate. One reason for the exponential depletion rate is that population is increasing exponentially. Describe another factor (related to industrialization) that is causing resources to become depleted exponentially.
7) Because of resource depletion, continued population growth and industrialization will make it difficult for developed nations to maintain the current state of their economies. What is the solution to this problem as described by environmentalists?
Part II - Ecological Footprint
The ecological footprint calculator used in this section is modified from that prepared by Lamont C. Hempel and Jason Venetoulis (1999).
8) Use the ecological calculator below to determine your own ecological footprint. Begin by estimating your consumption rates for each category, then multiple your answer by the given multiplication factor.
Vegetables: US average is 5 pounds per week; a typical serving is about 4 ounces (USDA). (example: 3 servings/day x 4 oz/serving x 0.063 lb/oz x 7 days/week = 5.3 lbs/week)
Enter amount lbs. x 23 =
Fruits: US average is 2.5 pounds per week; a typical serving is about 3 ounces (USDA). (example: 2 servings/day x 3 oz/serving x 0.063 lb/oz x 7 days/week = 2.6 lbs/week)
Enter amount lbs. x 23 =
Pasta: a typical serving is about 4 ounces
(example: 2 servings/week x 4 oz/serving x 1lb/16 oz = 0.5 lbs/week) Enter amount lbs. x 70 =
Chicken: US average is about 1.25 pounds per person per week (USDA) Enter amount lbs. x 500 =
Pork: US average is about 1 pound per person per week (USDA) Enter amount lbs. x 700 =
Fish: US average is about 1/3 (.33) pounds per person per week (USDA) Enter amount lbs. x 3200 =
Beef: US average is about 1.5 pounds per person per week (USDA) Enter amount lbs. x 6000 =
Cheese and Butter: Estimated average of 1/2 pound per person per week
Enter amount lbs. x 250 =
Eggs: Estimated average is 5 per person per week
Enter amount lbs. x 28 =
Beverages and Dining:
How many glasses of the following beverages do you drink per week? Average glass = 8 oz.
Juice Wine Soda
x 11 = x 12 = x 14 =
x 15 =
x 25 =
How many times in the average week do you eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner at a restaurant?
Enter amount
x 2000 =
Assuming you have one house or apartment, add 1 for each bedroom you use. Then add 1 for each empty bedroom, study, or entertainment room.
Enter amount
x 2700 =
Enter the number of miles traveled during an average week, including weekends.
solo in personal car
x 52 =
bus/train/carpool x 0.33 x 52 =
Airline: Did you fly anywhere in the last year? If so, how far was your trip both ways?
Enter amount
x 2 =
Do you conserve energy at home and work?
No - add 1000, sometimes - 850, usually - 700, always - 500
Enter amount
Note: Subtract the percentage of primary lighting or water heating that is solar or wind power.
Do you conserve water at home and work?
No - then enter 1000, sometimes - 850, usually - 700, always - 500
Enter amount
Note: This conservative estimate could be multiplied by 6 to capture the amount of water used per capita in the US for commercial and industrial purposes.
Do you recycle?
No - then enter 1000, sometimes - 800, consistently - 500
Enter amount
Calculate Your Footprint:
Total the results from above: Divide that number by 10,000: Multiply by 2.47:
9) Compare your ecological footprint to the 5.5 acre Fair EarthShare (FES) amount described above. Explain why your footprint is higher than the FES.
10) List the categories from the calculator that made the largest contribution to your ecological footprint.
11) Explain the ways in which you personally could reduce your footprint.
12) If the 5.5 acre FES is what planet Earth can support in a sustainable manner, determine how many planets we would need if all of the world's population were to have a footprint the size of yours.