Calculate what price katrinas candies should charge

Assignment Help Managerial Economics
Reference no: EM131206004

Managerial Economics Discussion

From the scenario, assuming Katrina's Candies is operating in the monopolistically competitive market structure and faces the following weekly demand and short-run cost functions:

VC = 20Q+0.006665 Q2 with MC=20 + 0.01333Q and FC = $5,000

P = 50-0.01Q and MR = 50-0.02Q

Where price is in $ and Q is in kilograms. All answers should be rounded to the nearest whole number.

Algebraically, determine what price Katrina's Candies should charge in order for the company to maximize profit in the short run. Determine the quantity that would be produced at this price and the maximum profit possible.

Reference no: EM131206004

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