Calculate the total remaining health of each army

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131131957

Programming II Lab 6-Threading and Inheritance

Abstract: This lab is part 3 and the final part of a series of Labs. After this, you will have built a very crude but effective game simulation. It will involve warriors, weapons, armies, and a battlefield.

1. Create a new project, do not use the one from Lab 4
2. Copy all of the code and packages from Lab 4 into this new project.
3. Create one more package called Battle

a. Inside Battle you'll need three classes

i. Battlefield

1. This class should hold both ArmyOne and ArmyTwo
2. Create methods to:

a. Pass in and set each army (an army is an array list of Warriors)
b. Calculate the total remaining health of each army
c. Print out the attack strength of each warrior of each army

3. Is also responsible for having two methods that each specifically have one army attacking the other:

a. They should request the Lock and Unlock so only one can run at a time
b. Does the army attacking have any warriors left whose health is greater than 0?
c. To attack, get a warrior from the army and use its attack strength.
d. Check to see if the army they are attacking has any health left
e. If they do, pick a warrior from that army and attack them:

i. If they have more health than the attack, set the health to the difference. (Hint: you'll need to update the super class warrior and all sub class warriors)
ii. If the attack is greater, set the health to that warrior to zero and continue attacking until that attack is used up.
ii. ArmyOneAttacks thread class, takes a battlefield, count of times to attack, and a sleep delay in the constructor
iii. ArmyTwoAttacks thread class, takes a battlefield, count of times to attack, and a sleep delay in the constructor

4. In your Main class, do the following:

a. Create a battlefield object
b. Using the random generation of warriors create an army of 10 warriors and set that to Army One in the battlefield
c. Using the random generation of warriors create a different army of 5 warriors and set that to Army Two in the battlefield.
d. Create the two threads. Pass in the battlefield object and for count of attacks set each to 20. For ArmyOneAttacks make the sleep delay 3000. For ArmyTwoAttacks make the sleep delay 1000.

5. You will have to put print line statements in various places to produce the output below. It doesn't have to match exactly as we may have different warrior classes but it should be pretty close.

Output should read....
Army One's warriors:

classWarriors.InfantryWarrior who attacks -> 4
classWarriors.CavalryWarrior who attacks -> 8
classWarriors.ArtilleryWarrior who attacks -> 2
classWarriors.InfantryWarrior who attacks -> 4
classWarriors.CavalryWarrior who attacks -> 8
classWarriors.ArtilleryWarrior who attacks -> 2
classWarriors.InfantryWarrior who attacks -> 4
classWarriors.InfantryWarrior who attacks -> 4
classWarriors.CavalryWarrior who attacks -> 8
classWarriors.CavalryWarrior who attacks -> 8

Army One's total health is: 52
Army Two's warriors:

classWarriors.InfantryWarrior who attacks -> 4
classWarriors.CavalryWarrior who attacks -> 8
classWarriors.InfantryWarrior who attacks -> 4
classWarriors.CavalryWarrior who attacks -> 8
classWarriors.ArtilleryWarrior who attacks -> 2

Army Two's total health is: 26
Army One attacks and Army Two has 22 remaining.
Army Two attacks and Army One has 48 remaining.
Army Two attacks and Army One has 44 remaining.
Army Two attacks and Army One has 40 remaining.
Army Two attacks and Army One has 38 remaining.
Army Two attacks and Army One has 36 remaining.
Army Two attacks and Army One has 34 remaining.
Army Two attacks and Army One has 28 remaining.
Army One attacks and Army Two has 14 remaining.
Army Two attacks and Army One has 26 remaining.
Army Two attacks and Army One has 24 remaining.
Army Two attacks and Army One has 20 remaining.
Army Two attacks and Army One has 16 remaining.
Army One attacks and Army Two has 10 remaining.
Army One attacks and Army Two has 6 remaining.
Army Two attacks and Army One has 8 remaining.
Army Two attacks and Army One has 0 remaining.
Army One is defeated!!!!
Army One is dead and has no one left to strike.
Army One is defeated!!!!
Army One is defeated!!!!
Army One is defeated!!!!
Army One is dead and has no one left to strike.
Army One is defeated!!!!
Army One is defeated!!!!
Army One is defeated!!!!


Reference no: EM131131957

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