Calculate the total expenses if quantity and price per item

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13947953

1. Which of the following are invalid variable names and why?


2. Point out the errors, if any, in the following c statements

int = 314.562*150;
name = 'AJAY';
3.14*r*r = area;
area = 3.14*r**2;

3. Pick up the correct alternative for each of the following questions

A. C language has been developed by

1. Ken Thompson
2. Dennis Ritchie
3. Peter Norton
4. Martin Richards

B. C language has been developed at

1. Microsoft Corp.,USA
2. AT & T Bell Labs ,USA
3. Borland International , USA

C. C language came in exixtence in the year

1. 1971
2. 1957
3. 1972
4. 1983 

D. Which statement is wrong

1. mes = 123.56;
2. con = 'T' * 'A';
3. this = 'T' * 20;
4. 3+a = b;

Write down the flowchart and a program.

1. While purchasing certain items, a discount of 10% is offered if the quantity purchased is more than 1000. If quantity and price per item are input through the keyboard. Calculate the total expenses.

2. Ramesh's basic salary is input through the keyboard . His dareness allowance is 40% of basic salary, and house rent allowance is 20% of basic salary. Calculate his gross salary.

Reference no: EM13947953

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