Reference no: EM133077789
It is monthly averaged air temperature of Missouri from January 1997 until December 2016. The order of data is arranged as from January 1997, February 1997, ..., December 1997, January 1998, ..., to December 2016. Total length is 240. MATLAB codes required!
-Plot this series of data, with x-axis showing the calendar year from 1997 to 2016. In x-axis, set x-ticks as the following years, 2000, 2005, 2010, and 2015. (3 pts)
-First calculate the 20-year averaged monthly (Jan, ..., Dec) climatology of temperature for each month. Then plot a bar chart to show the climatology value of temperature from January to December. (hint: to do this, you'll need to reshape the data into a matrix, then calculate the mean for each month. (5 pts)
-Calculate the skewness of temperature for each month (hint: you need the "for" loop in MATLAB to calculate each month) and plot a stem plot to show the skewness values of each month from January to December. Which month's distribution is closest to a normal distribution? Which month's distribution show the longest tail?