Calculate the shortest path on the new graph

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM131666895

Question: Consider the following algorithm to solve the negative-weighted, shortest-path problem: Add a constant c to each edge cost, thus removing negative edges; calculate the shortest path on the new graph; and then use that result on the original. What is wrong with this algorithm?

Reference no: EM131666895

Questions Cloud

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Completeness of the responses : Keep track of the timeliness, correctness, and completeness of the responses. Describe them and characterize your overall experience.
Calculate the shortest path on the new graph : Consider the following algorithm to solve the negative-weighted, shortest-path problem: Add a constant c to each edge cost, thus removing negative edges.
Relationship building techniques as possible : Visit one B2C and one B2B Web site. Examine each carefully, identifying as many relationship building techniques as possible.
Analyze the data collected in your survey : In this paper, you will analyze the data collected in your survey. Another name for this step is Data Reduction.
Review factors that hinder organization''s ability to learn : "Review the factors that hinder an organization's ability to learn from success and failure.
Show how to solve given version of the shortest path problem : Suppose that in a directed graph, the cost of the path is the sum of the edge costs on the path PLUS the number of edges on the path.


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