Reference no: EM13254562
A 300-km bundled 500-kV, 60-Hz, three-phase completely transposed overhead line has three ACSR 1351-kcmil conductors per bundle, with the bundle spacing 0.5 m. The horizontal phase spacings between bundle centers are 10, 10, and 20 m. The maximum operating temperature of the line conductors is 100°C. For the transmission line,
a) a>Calculate the resistance in f/m at the maximum operating temperature. (You may use the temperature constant of hard-drawn aluminum)
b) b>Calculate the inductive reactance in f/m.
c) c>Calculate the line-to-neutral shunt admittance in S/m.
d) d>Calculate the propagation constant f and characteristic impedance Zc.
e) e>Calculate the ABCD parameters.
f) ff>Calculate the total series impedance Z and total shunt admittance Y.
g) g> Calculate the series impedance and the shunt admittance of the equivalent f circuit.
h) h>When the line is assumed to be lossless line, find the surge impedance and surge impedance loading (SIL).
i) i>Find the theoretical maximum power transmission through the line.
j) j>Based on the St. Clare Curve, find the line loadability.
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: A 300-km bundled 500-kV, 60-Hz, three-phase completely transposed overhead line has three ACSR 1351-kcmil conductors per bundle, with the bundle spacing 0.5 m. The horizontal phase spacings between bundle centers are 10, 10, and 20 m.
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