Calculate the return on equity using the dupont analysis

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM132335477

Case - Additional Ratio Analyses

Download the 2013 - 2017 financial statements for:
Boston Beer Company, Inc.
Anheuser-Busch InBev NV
Molson Coors, LLC

1. Using Exhibit 17 in your book, calculate the Return on Equity using the DuPont Analysis for the companies.

2. Using Exhibit 18, calculate the Valuation Ratios, Per-Share Quantities, and Dividend-Related

Quantities for the companies.


1. Using the DuPont Analysis, how well is each company performing over time? For 2017, how do the companies compare to each other?

2. Using the Valuation Ratios, Per-Share Quantities, and Dividend-Related Quantities, how well is each company performing over time? For 2017, how do the companies compare to each other?

Attachment:- Income statement and Balance sheet Boston Beer Company.rar

Verified Expert

DU Pont analysis is the detailed analysis of Return on Equity which analyze the ROE into various components.This detailed analysis was innovated by DuPont Corporation.The management of the company can concentrate on improvement on particular area by using DuPont analysis.

Reference no: EM132335477

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7/9/2019 12:13:10 AM

Please do the assignment Module 4, Assignment 2 Case 6 - Additional Ratio Analyses pdf Transfer the answer to excel and do one page of analysis or narrative in Word document. The Income Statement, Balance sheet and Cash flow will be attached to the message box. I have attached some of the Boston beer financial statement but the rest would be attached to the message box. The Exhibit 17 and 18 from text book also will be in the message box in picture form. Please I need this by tomorrow eastern time.

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