Calculate the required number of replications

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Reference no: EM131032604

University of Nill Board has signed a contract with your consultancy company. You are asked to develop a stochastic simulation that allows conducting experiments in order to determine the required staffing of the new UoN "David Ross Sports Village" welcome area. The UoN wants to make the arrival at the new sport centre a pleasant experience for students and staff but also wants to work on a cost effective solution. Therefore you should consider different staffing in response to the different arrival rates of students/staff during the different times of the day (perhaps distinguishing between peak and off-peak hours). You will also have to define in your objectives what "a pleasant experience" means in quantitative terms.

Please note that this is an "individual coursework". This means that the model and the content of the report you submit have to be your own work. Please note that 50% of the indicated proportion in each section is given for providing sound explanations of activities and justifications for decisions made. Your specific tasks are described below (the value in brackets provides the weighting for each

TASK 1 Group Activity Summary (approx. 500 words): Deliver a personal summary and reflection of the group activity in Labs 3-5. For this you should briefly describe the potential projects identified by your group and how they were ranked. Then you should briefly summarise the focus group discussion and provide the objectives for the study you finally chose to propose. At the end you should reflect on your personal experience with this activity.

TASK 2 Conceptualisation: Develop a conceptual model by outlining the objectives, experimental factors and responses, the model scope and level of detail, assumptions and simplifications. You should also produce a graphical representation of your model (e.g. by using process flow diagram(s) and/or state chart(s)).

TASK 3 Implementation: Implement the conceptual model in AnyLogic 7.2.0 PLE. Use some estimates (informed guesses) for your model data and describe briefly how you would collect them if this would be a real case. Please note that the arrival processes and
the service delays have to be modelled stochastically. The model has to provide graphical output for at least one of your responses, which needs to enable you to test if you fulfil the set objective(s).

TASK 4 Validation + Experimentation: Write a short summary of how you could validate your model if this would be a real world study (approx. 150 words). For the experimentation we assume that we are dealing with a terminating system (no warm up period; run length 16 hours). Calculate the required number of replications to achieve statistical validity of the results. Run an experiment to investigate how you can achieve at least one of your objectives. For this you need a base scenario where the relevant objective is not achieved (just missed). Do a statistical comparison between the base scenario and your solution scenario.

Reference no: EM131032604

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Calculate the required number of replications : Calculate the required number of replications to achieve statistical validity of the results. Run an experiment to investigate how you can achieve at least one of your objectives. For this you need a base scenario where the relevant objective is n..
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