Calculate the ratio of positive tweets to negative tweets

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Reference no: EM133082772

DATA4500 Social Media Analytics - Kaplan Business School

Assessment Description

You have been engaged as the social media campaign manager for Joe Biden or Donald Trump (your choice)in October 2020. These are the two candidates for US president in the 2020 election.

Read the below Sources 1 and 2 before the class and then complete a group and individual activity in class.

Activity 1: Group Case Study
• Students will need to qualitative and quantitative analysis. Please make sure you have access to excel.
• Students will form groups of 4 - 5 members before Week 12 (or are assigned to groups at the start of week 12).
• At the beginning of class in Week 12 the lecturer will distribute a case study instructions document and accompanying data file to each group.
• Questions will be based on Weeks 5 - 11 inclusive.
• The assessment is open book.
• Students will be given 1.5 hours to complete the questions in their group.
• You must then submit your group responses via Turnitin and include the name and student ID of your group members at the top of the page.

Activity 2: Individual Case Study
• At the beginning of class in Week 12 the lecturer will distribute individualquestionsto all students
• Questions will be based on Weeks 5 - 11 inclusive.
• The assessment is open book.
• Theoretical and calculation concepts discussed in workshops are examinable.
• To prepare for this assessment, make sure you COMPLETE workshop questions in weeks 5 - 11 inclusive.
• Students will be given 1 hour to complete the questions individually.
• You must complete these questions in class and on camera

Source 1:
Social Media and 2016 US election between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump

Using Social Media Data to Predict to 2016 US Presidential Election by Andrew Hutchinson

Source 2: Social Media and 2020 US election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump

Activity 1: Group Case

Sentiment data for tweets from Donald J. Trump and Hillary R. Clinton during the 2016 US General Election can be found in the associated datafile ‘sentiment_tweets.xlsx'.

Use the datafile to answer the following questions...

Use the ‘handle', ‘datetime' and ‘sentiment' columns to create a bar chart of tweets over time for each candidate. Use a separate series for positive and negative sentiments.

Calculate the ratio of positive tweets to negative tweets (PN ratio) for each time period.

TRUE or FALSE: Trump tweeted more often but Hillary had the higher PN ratio. Explain your choice and justify it with data.

Use the ‘handle', ‘datetime', ‘sentiment' and ‘retweet_count' columns to create a bar chart of retweets over time for each candidate categorised by sentiment. Use a separate series for positive and negative sentiments.

Calculate the ratio of positive retweets to negative retweets (PN ratio) for each time period.

TRUE or FALSE: Both Trump and Hillary had the highest number of retweets in July 2016 and the PN ratios were similar across both candidates. Explain your choice and justify it with data.

Use the ‘is_quote_status' to only include the tweets that are quotes.

Use ‘handle', ‘datetime', ‘sentiment' and ‘favorite_count' columns to create a bar chart of liked quotes over time for each candidate categorised by sentiment. Use a separate series for positive and negative sentiments.

Calculate the ratio of positive responses to negative responses (PN ratio) for each time period.

TRUE or FALSE: In June 2016, a lot of the negative sentiment tweets from both candidates were liked.

TRUE or FALSE: In April 2016, Hillary's ‘liked' tweets had a higher PN ratio than Trump's ‘liked' tweets.

The Three plus One Laws of Robotics (modified for modern day A.I.)

First Law
• An algorithm may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.

Second Law
• An algorithm must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.

Third Law
• An algorithm must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law

Zeroth Law
• An algorithm may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.

Attachment:- Social Media Analytics.rar

Reference no: EM133082772

Questions Cloud

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Use of coal in the production of electricity : If restrictions limit the use of coal in the production of electricity, who would be the major beneficiaries? Who bears the costs?


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