Calculate the rahm ratios for given year

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM131522740

Question: [Ratio calculation; CFAC adapted] Calculate the Rahm ratios for 2002:

a. Activity ratios

(i) Inventory turnover

(ii) Accounts receivable turnover

(iii) Fixed asset tumova

(iv) Total asset turnover

b. Liquidity ratios

(i) Length of operating cycle

(ii) Length of cash cycle

(iii) Current ratio

(iv) Quick ratio

(v) Cash ratio

(vi) Defensive interval

C. Solvency ratios

(i) Debt to equity

(ii) Debt to capital

(iii) Times interest earned

d. Profitability ratios

(i) Gross margin

(ii) Operating income to sales

(iii) Return on sales

(iv) Return on assets

(v) Return on equity


Reference no: EM131522740

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