Reference no: EM131156951
Project Management Assignment
Developing a schedule for a project can be complex and is rather like working on a giant puzzle. Project scheduling involves a series of steps that are put together in an ordered pattern that work toward a conclusion. However, there are many variables that occur during any scheduled network and, of course, issues always arise.
One very useful tool in creating schedules and networks is the Gantt chart. Gantt charts link project activities into time-based schedules and help us to track what is planned versus what is actually happening. There are several benefits to using Gantt charts, as noted in your text in Chapter 10: Project Scheduling. Gantt charts are easy to create, easy to read, easy to update and control. In addition, Gantt charts identify resource needs and where to assign which resources to the appropriate tasks. Another very important advantage of using a Gantt chart is that is allows us to quickly and easily calculate the critical path.
1. Respond to the following: The advantage of Gantt charts lies in their linkage to the project schedule baseline. Explain this concept.
2. "The shortest total length of a project is determined by the longest path through the network." Explain the theory behind this statement. Why does the longest path determine the shortest project length?
3. Key in a search with the prompt "projects in ________" in which you select a country of your interest. Many of the projects generated by such a search are government sponsored projects. In one paragraph, discuss the role of proper scheduling and planning for one such project you found in your search. Share your findings and the reasons you believe planning was critical to this project. Be sure to properly cite your resource in APA format.
4. You are considering the decision of whether or not to crash your project. After asking your operations manager to conduct an analysis, you have determined the "pre-crash" and the "post-crash" activity durations and costs, shown in the table below. Assume all activities are on the critical path.
1. Calculate the per day costs for crashing each activity. Show your calculations.
2. Which are the most attractive candidates for crashing? Explain your answer.
4 days
3 days
5 days
3 days
3 days
2 days
7 days
5 days
2 days
1 day
5 days
4 days
9 days
7 days