Calculate the p-value for the appropriate statistical test

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM131430929

Analysis: Associations/Relationships

Background and Objectives

In Analysis 1 & 2, you described the characteristics of a sample using appropriate descriptive statistics and graphs and also performed hypothesis testing for research questions that explored differences in the means.

In Analysis #3, you will begin to examine relationships among two variables. Not only will you describe the relationships with scatterplots and crosstabulations (frequencies and proportions), but you will also use inferential statistics to determine if there is a significant association in the population, based on information from the sample.

You will demonstrate your ability to:

1) test hypothesis about relationships between variables that are both measured at nominal or ordinal level -- and between variables that are both interval or ratio level.  

2) Conduct scatterplots, correlation, simple linear regression, cross tabulations and chi square in Excel; and

3) Summarize findings as you would in a journal article or report.

You will use the dataset:NRSG795_nurseassists_spr17. This dataset represents the results of a survey distributed to a sample of nursing assistants working in two nursing homes. The survey explored factors that impact the respondents' well-being.  A subset of cases and variables were selected for this class to make it easier to use in Excel. 


Start by examining the data and the coding of the data (variable names and values of variables) for the variables you will examine in the hypotheses below.  You will then conduct the appropriate analysis to test the following hypotheses and summarize your findings.

Hypothesis 1a. There is a negative correlation between age and energy.

Hypothesis 1b. Age has a predictive relationship withenergy.

Hypothesis 2. There is a relationship between work and exercise.

For each hypothesis summarize the information for the following steps in your write up:

1. State the null hypothesis.

2. Decide how to analyze the relationship.

3. Check the necessary assumptions for the statistical tests you choose.

4. Create scatterplot or crosstabulation table.

5. Calculate the p-value for the appropriate statistical test, and assess whether the hypothesis was supported or not.

6. Prepare a summary of the findings in a paragraph, citing both the descriptive results and the testing of the hypothesis.  Include figures or tables to show your findings. Note: you may integrate the summary for hypothesis 1a &1b together but remember to still mention test specific information

7. Include EXCEL output showing your work.

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Reference no: EM131430929

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3/17/2017 5:27:13 AM

You will use the dataset: NRSG795_nurseassists_spr17. This dataset represents the results of a survey distributed to a sample of nursing assistants working in two nursing homes. See the examples for descriptions of findings from another database. The paragraphs can be SINGLE SPACED (save a tree). This whole assignment should be no more than 2 pages.

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