Reference no: EM132547292
Question: Consider the circuit below. Circuit parameters: VDD = 12 V, RD = 3Ω RL = 3 kΩ, Rp1 = 0.1 kΩ, Rp2 = 0.9 kΩ Transistor parameters: VTH = 1 V, μCox = 100 µA/V2, W/L = 10, VA = 40V.
a. Draw the DC equivalent circuit.
b. Determine the Qpoint values IHQ, VDSQ and verify any assumption you have made.
c. Draw the small signal equivalent circuit.
d. Determine the small signal parameters gm, and ro.
e. Calculate the overall gain with load of the amplifier if RL = 3 kΩ (Ignore the channel length modulation in this calculation)
f. Calculate the input and output impedances of this amplifier.
g. (Bonus) Derive an expression of the overall gain with the effect of channel length modulation.

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