Calculate the number of years

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM1318726

Question: How long will it take money to triple in value if it is invested at twenty percent interest compounded quarterly?

Reference no: EM1318726

Questions Cloud

Mechanical for full page : Briefly describe what would be found in a "mechanical" for a full page, full color magazine print ad-Finally, suggest a celebrity "spokesperson" that we could use in the ad, money is no object.
Computing the probability value based on the bayes rule : What is the probability that a student who has failed the test came from the South District?
Computation of probability based on binomial distribution : A fair die is rolled nine times. What is the probability that an odd number (1,3 or 5) will occur less than 3 times?
Estimating the mean of the discrete probability distribution : The random variable xi represents the number of complaints, and p(xi) is the probability of receiving xi complaints.
Calculate the number of years : Calculate the number of years.
Probability when mean and standard deviation is given : A loaf of bread is normally distributed with a mean of 22 oz and a standard deviation of 0.5 oz. What is the probability that a loaf is more than 22.25 oz?
Determine the value of x : Determine the value of x using the properties of logarithms.
Find the value of x by the properties of logarithms : Find the value of x by the properties of logarithms.
Probability based on central limit theorem : Assume that you choose a 50 families sample. Which is the form expected from the distribution of the average or median of the sample?


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