Calculate the npv of archer daniels investment

Assignment Help Financial Econometrics
Reference no: EM13334583

Archer Daniels Midland Company is considering buying a new farm that it plans to operate for 10 years. The farm will require an initial investment of $12.10 million. This investment will consist of $2.30 million for land and $9.80 million for trucks and other equipment. The land, all trucks, and all other equipment is expected to be sold at the end of 10 years at a price of $5.23 million, $2.29 million above book value. The farm is expected to produce revenue of $2.08 million each year, and annual cash flow from operations equals $1.97 million. The marginal tax rate is 35 percent, and the appropriate discount rate is 9 percent. Calculate the NPV of this investment.

Reference no: EM13334583

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