Calculate the net cash flow

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM1354216

Company X is trying to estimate the first-year net cash flow (at year 1) for a proposed project. The financial staff has collected the following information on the project:

Sales revenue: $10 million
Operating costs (excluding depreciation): 7 million
Depreciation: 2 million
Interest expense: 2 million

The company has a 40% tax rate, and its WACC is 10%.

a, What is the project's net cash flow for the first year? (t=1)
b, if this project would cannibilize other projects by 1 million of cash flow before taxes per year, how would this change part A?
c, ignore part B. if the tax rate dropped to 30%, how would that change part A?


Reference no: EM1354216

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