Calculate the mitotic index for the preparation

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM132932687

1) Calculate the mitotic index for the preparation, in which the number of cells in different phases of the cell cycle is counted: in interphase - 360, in prophase - 13, in metaphase - 10, in anaphase - 5, in telophase - 8 ?

a) 10.00%;
b) 9.09%;
c) 2.22%;
d) 3.61%.

2)Calculate the duration of metaphase for this preparation (see question 2), if it is known that the total duration of mitosis is 120 min?

a) 3.0 min;
b) 30 min;
c) 3.3 min;
d) 33.3 min.

3) Four rounds of endoreduplication occurred in the nucleus of a human megakaryocyte. What is the ploidy level in this cell?

a) 4n;
b) 16n;
c) 32n;
d) 64n.

4) In what phase of meiosis does conjugation of homologous chromosomes occur?

a) prophase I;
b) prophase II;
c) metaphase I;
d) metaphase II

5)What is the syndrome is caused by an extra X-chromosome in males?

a) Turner Syndrome;
b) Klinefelter syndrome;
c) Down Syndrome;
d) Jacobs Syndrome

6) How many Barr bodies are contained in cell nuclei of normal male?

a) 0;
b) 1;
c) 2;
d) 3.

7)What is the set of sex chromosomes in a woman, if the cells of some of her tissues contain one Barr body, while others - no one?

a) XX;
b) X0;
c) XXX/X0;
d) XX/X0

8)After nondisjunction during mitosis, cells with monosomy 11 appeared in the cell culture in vitro. What is the number chromosomes contain these cells, if the original set of chromosomes was 2n = 46.

a) 46;
b) 47;
c) 45;
d) 44

Reference no: EM132932687

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