Calculate the minimum web thickness of plate girders

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Reference no: EM132365884

Produce an Advanced Engineering Design for a Steel Structure Assignment -

Element 1: Identify steel structure to be designed

Q1. Specify, in your own words, at least four important OH&S considerations that designers must take into account while producing a steel design.

Q2. Write down, in your own words, at least six safety guidelines for conducting riveting and bolting work.

Q3. Specify, in your own words, at least six standard means through which hazards can be identified.

Q4. Write down the formula to calculate the minimum web thickness of plate girders and explain any symbols that are contained in this formula.

Note: This question is mandatory. It should be answered and students are expected to get this question completely right to be assessed as competent with a score for this unit.

Q5. a) What type of structural framing arrangement do medium-to-heavy industrial buildings generally consist of?

b) Why are these structures arranged in such a way?

c) Identify at least two framing systems which are typically employed for medium-to-heavy industrial buildings.

Q6. In your own words, write down at least four measures that can be taken to improve co-ordination and co-operation within a design and build team environment.

Q7. In your own words, explain in detail what should be done with equipment and other resources for a particular project after they have been sourced/procured.

Element 2: Plan design approach

Q8. In your own words, explain what is meant by OH&S risk and risk assessment.

Q9. a) You need to design a crash barrier that can stop a 1000 kg car travelling at a velocity of 15m/s. The barrier shall be constructed at a distance of 0.20 m from the car's current parking position. What is the live load, Q, for this scenario?

b) According to the Limit State Design method, what shall the live load, Q, on the crash barrier equate to?

Q10. According to standard reference tables, what shall be the approximate self-weight of a truss spanning 40 m?

Q11. According to AS 4100, what equation is generally used for determining the buckling capacity of a web and load bearing stiffener combination? Write down this equation and provide a description of each symbol contained in the equation.

Element 3: Complete the design

Q12. In your own words, provide at least eight important guidelines for conducting work on scaffolds.

Q13. What are the variables/multipliers on which a site's wind speed is determined?

Note: This question is mandatory. It should be answered and students are expected to get this question completely right to be assessed as competent with a score for this unit.

Q14. Write down the formula to calculate snow loads based on AS/NZS 1170.3:2003, and explain in detail and in your own words the variables in this formula.

Q15. According to AS 4100, what should be the yield capacity of a load bearing stiffener Rsy of a plate girder be? Provide the formula and explain the variables of this formula with your answer.

Q16. a) What is the main function of girts?

b) What are the usual two loading profiles that are examined in the flexural-torsion analysis of girts?

c) Generally, what is the thickness of purlins?

d) What is the most common method of forming purlins and girts? Why?

Q17. What should be included in a technical review report/document of the completed design? Explain in detail and in your own words.

Q18. What is meant by direct impact resulting from unexpected situations?

Q19. a) Identify the type of project delays which the contractor should not expect to be recompensed for.

b) What type of project delays should the contract expect to be compensated for?

c) What type of reparation methods are typically provided to contractors for project delays in which it is determined that they should be recompensed?

d) Explain in detail, and in your own words, at least six circumstances for which the contractor should expect to be compensated for delays in a project.

Q20. a) Identify at least four potential repercussions of a delay in the completion of certain project activities in terms of the critical path.

b) In what way can a project manager keep abreast of changes in a project schedule?

c) Name at least two retrospective delay analysis techniques used in computer-based analytical systems.

Q21. a) In the event that there is a dispute between parties during the conduct of a project, what are the common modes to resolve these?

b) During a dispute, what is the main aim of the process?

c) Is there a requirement to have knowledge of the ways to resolve disputes? Why/why not?

d) What parties are usually involved in each type of conflict resolution?

Element 4: Compile, document and present results

Q22. a) In your own words, provide a definition of what constitutes a hazard.

b) How many categories are hazards typically divided into? Provide brief definitions and at least two examples for each of these categories.

Q23. Specify at least four possible ways by which OH&S hazards may be minimised.

Q24. a) What aspect of a project document can help in authenticating its veracity?

b) What sort of information, which should typically be contained in a document, may help in the process of determining its audit trail?

Q25. Specify some typical documents (at least four) for which an audit trail should be available.

Q26. After completion of the design tasks, what should be ensured/checked by the responsible project authority? Explain in detail and in your own words.

Q27. Write down some standard guidelines for submitting design documents to the client in an electronic format.

Q28. Why it is necessary to archive design documents? Explain in detail and in your own words.

Q29. What are some of the advantages of digital archives?

Element: 5 Complete the design

Task 1 -

Q30. Your client has tasked you to design a mill-type heavy industrial building with multiple bays that will host separate metal processing and finishing shops.

Explain in detail the following aspects of the design process with respect to this type of steel structure:

a) The structural system and type for this particular application.

b) The build ability criteria which you will use to base the structural layout and design of the building.

c) The choice of an open or covered structure.

d) The choice of utilising shop or site connection of the building's steel structural components.

e) The sequence and method of erection of the steel structure.

[It is anticipated that you will provide your answer within approximately five pages. You may provide your own sketches with your answers to facilitate discussion of the above points].

Q31. Provide your own neat and detailed sketches of typical industrial building framing systems. Ensure that you provide the following with your sketches:

(i) Identify each different framing type for which you provide a separate sketch.

(ii) Label all major components in each different framing type (e.g. column, brace, and etc.).

Task 2 -

Q32. a) Rudolph is a male professional ballet dancer who is looking for a new house. He wants to purchase a typical residential house which will suit his budget and his lifestyle.

Being a professional dancer is a regime not just a job, and this means that Rudolph needs to train and rehearse on a daily basis. Hence, Rudolph intends to practice his dance routines in the lounge room of his new house on a frequent basis.

Rudolph is your auntie's protégé, and since you are a qualified Structural Engineer, she has asked you to assist Rudolph in finding a suitable house. You have had a meeting with Rudolph and obtained information that will assist you in analysing suitable houses and this information effectively forms your specification for this 'project'.

As a part of the decision-making process, you need to determine the following:

i. The area in mm2 which Rudolph's feet take up on the floor.

ii. The pressure Rudolph will place on the floor when he is practicing his pirouettes.

iii. The work that the floor has to do to stop Rudolph's leaps.

iv. The Live Load Q as per the Limit State Design Method for Rudolph's dance routines based on the assumed velocity of his movements and leaps.

v. What type of house would you recommend that Rudolph purchase? Why?

vi. Rudolph has found a renovated, Victorian architecturally-styled house in a location close to his work. It is a three-bedroom, one-bathroom house constructed with floor joists at 450 mm centres and bearers at 1.6 m centres. The large 4 m x 5 m lounge room with polished timber floor boards looks particularly promising.

a. What would you anticipate the Live Load capacity of the house to be based on the floor joists and bearers?

b. Is this house suitable for Rudolph to practice his dance routines? Why/ why not? Provide a detailed response based on floor live loads considerations as per AS 1170.1 (discussed in the Reading Material for this module) and your calculations.

c. Based solely on the dance practice criteria, do you recommend that Rudolph purchase this house? Why/ why not? Provide a detailed response with a justification for your answer.

Assumptions -

  • Size of average male foot - 330 mm x 120 mm
  • Ball of male foot - 165 mm x 120 mm
  • Mass of average-sized male ballet dancer = 85 kg
  • Maximum velocity Rudolph can attain is 5.88* m/s and he attains this velocity in 4.5 seconds from a stopped position; generally, he can continue at this velocity of 5.88 m/s or greater for at least 20 seconds. Consider Rudolph's movements in this regard in terms of a vehicle.

[*This velocity assumes Rudolph is capable of running 100 m in approximately 17 seconds, this is well below the Olympic records of most contemporary male athletes (Usain Bolt of Jamaica achieved a distance of 100 m in 9.68 seconds at the Olympics).]

  • Rudolph's leaps - 1.5 m above the ground and landing on the ball of one foot.


  • Ballet dancers tend to be smaller and lighter than the average for their sex.
  • The information and assumptions provided in this question are simplified and would not necessarily be utilised and calculated in this manner for a real-world application.

[Hint: Newton's Laws of Motion would be useful to determine some of the required information.]

b (i) The material 310UC137 is being considered for a potential construction job.

1. What do the letters UC mean?

2. What does the 310 value signify?

3. What does the 137 value indicate?

4. Identify and provide all relevant dimensions for this material.

(ii) Consult a Manufacturer's Standard Data Sheet and fill out the table with the manufacturer's recommended values for the following steel sections.

Section Designation

Compactness (ZeX, ZeY)

Yield Stress at Flange (fy) MPa

Yield Stress at Web (fy) MPa

Form Factor (kf)


250 UC 89.5

(1230, 567)




200 UC 59.5

(656, 299)




150 UC 37.2

(310, 137)




460 UB 82.1

(1840, 292)




310 UB 40.4





Element 6: Plan design approach

Task 3 -

Q33. Required - Determine the site wind speed (Vsit,β) for the following sites based on a 1000-year return period.

(a) A 15 m high building on a site in the middle of Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

(b) An 8 m high portal frame building on an isolated site in Port Headland, WA, Australia.

Assumptions and Given Values - Assume Ms = Mt = Md = 1.

Attachment:- Advanced Engineering Design Assignment File.rar

Reference no: EM132365884

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