Calculate the minimum salary for all employees.

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13947829

Write SQL SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements.

Using the database and tables from Week Three, write queries using the SQL SELECT statement.

Note: Select all of the data from both of your tables before you perform the following.

Choose an EEO_1_classification: Increase all employees' salaries that have: the selected EEO_1_classification by 10%.

Increase all employees' salaries by 5%.

Choose an employee from the employee table; delete this employee.

Save the SQL statements and the data from both tables in order to show how the data was affected.

Using the database and tables from Week Three, write SQL statements to:

Calculate the average salary for all employees.

Calculate the maximum salary for exempt employees and the maximum salary for non-exempt employees.

Calculate the maximum salary for all employees.

Calculate the minimum salary for exempt employees and the maximum salary for non-exempt employees.

Calculate the minimum salary for all employees.

In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, save your SQL statements as .SQL files. Save your SQL output as .RPT files. You will need to turn in both types of files (.SQL and .RPT)


Reference no: EM13947829

Questions Cloud

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