Calculate the market capitalisation of the company

Assignment Help Corporate Finance
Reference no: EM131486461 , Length: Part C

This assignment is to be based on an Australian listed company chosen by the group from the list below:

(i) Blackmores Limited (ASX Code: BKL).
(ii) Slater and Gordon Limited (ASX code: SGH)
(iii) Domino's Pizza Enterprises Limied (ASX Code: DMP)
(iv) MG Unit Trust (ASX Code: MGC)
(v) Bellamy's Australia Limited (ASX Code: BAL)

The assignment is to be completed in teams of up to four students. There is no requirement for students to be in the same tutorial group. The aim of this group assignment is to foster your ability to research, critically analyse the company financial information and integrate knowledge and skills learnt in BAFN200 to analyse a real company. A further aim is to improve your written communication skills and team-working skills.

You are required to answer the following questions with respect to your chosen company:

a) Examine the share price history and history of traded volumes over the past five years, identifying the main causes of changes in the share price during this period. Based on its stock price, do you think the company has performed well over the past five years?

b) Calculate the market capitalisation of the company as of the end of fiscal year of 2016. Do you think the stock is under-priced or over-priced? Answer this question with reference to the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), and justify your answer. How do you estimate the future price of the stock? Is this the best time to buy or sell the company's shares? Why?

c) What is the mix of debt and equity financing? What types of debt and equity are currently used? Does current financing strategy highlight any impending risks. Critically evaluate the financing policy adopted by the company.

d) If you had $10,000 savings, would you invest in this business? Why or why not? Discuss.

Instructions about the group assignment

Please refer to the Group Formation document for supplementary instructions.

It is up to the group to manage the group dynamics and get equal contribution from all members. It is usually a good idea to appoint a leader to direct and coordinate the activities of the group including allocating tasks among the group members. All group members are expected to discuss the assignment as a whole and contribute to preparing answers to all questions. It is very important for all members to take an active part in completing the assignment and make an equal contribution Before the final submission of the assignment, all group members are expected to review the answers. Only one member should submit the assignment on Turnitin on behalf of all the group members. It is imperative that you list the full names student IDs of all students in the group on the first page of your submission.

Assignments must be submitted with an ACU cover sheet (The cover sheet may be submitted separately), and should:

o Be typed using one-and-a half (1.5) spacing left justified.
o Use Ariel or Times New Roman font size 12.
o Display a one inch margin on all sides.
o Appropriately cite reference original work, author(s) etc. Citation and referencing must conform to the Harvard System.

Your report should contain an introduction followed by answers to questions and a conclusion. Grading will be based on critical analysis of the issue, evidence of wide reading on topic, coherence in the development of arguments, use of appropriate evidence, and clarity of expressions.

Verified Expert

The paper has been prepared in word file. It speaks on financial analysis and debt equity ratio, various capital structure and their outcome. There has been a critical analysis done on capital structure of an entity as per latest available audited financial statement for the year ended 31st March 2016.

Reference no: EM131486461

Questions Cloud

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When the economy is hit with a supply shock : When the economy is hit with a supply shock, such as rising prices for energy, food, or materials, why is this doubly disruptive and harmful to the economy?
Calculate the market capitalisation of the company : BAFN200 PRINCIPLES OF FINANCE-Examine the share price history and history of traded volumes over the past five years.
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What initiative can leaders take to seize opportunities : What initiative can leaders take to seize opportunities within organizations?
How does the gap between the rich and poor : How does the gap between the rich and poor is so large that kills the American Dream?
An organization-its mission and strategic intent : you will decide on a company's strategic intent, its mission, and the role of stakeholders in developing an organization's strategy.



5/6/2017 4:55:03 AM

LO5 Financial structure Displays extraordinary grasp of financial structure and its implications. A highly-structured and comprehensive response to the task. Extensive and relevant research LO5 Risk Displays extraordinary grasp of risk and its implications. A highly-structured and comprehensive response to the task. Extensive and relevant research . LO5 Report organisation (Genre, pagination, format, spacing, grammar, spelling, punctuation, referencing) Expertly written and adheres to academic genre. Extraordinarily organised presentation with respect to organisation, clarity of expression, grammar, punctuation, pagination, spacing


5/6/2017 4:54:27 AM

LO2 Use of financial information for making decisions Level 5 (HD) Displays an excellent grasp of the use of financial information in making decisions. Demonstrates exceptionally insightful and interesting arguments. A highly-structured and comprehensive response to the task. Extensive and relevant research. LO5 Debt Displays extraordinary grasp of debt and its implications. Demonstrates exceptionally insightful and interesting arguments. A highly-structured and comprehensive response to the task. Extensive and relevant research. LO5 Equity Displays extraordinary grasp of equity and its implications. A highly-structured and comprehensive response to the task. Extensive and relevant research.


5/6/2017 4:53:30 AM

Marking guide: Part Max Introduction 2 a Share price 4 b Market capitalisation 4 c Financing strategy 4 d Investment 4 Conclusion 2 TOTAL 20

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