Calculate the impingement rate and mean free path

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Reference no: EM13984748

1. Holes are etched in 1 µm thick thermal oxide. The wafer is then given one hour wet oxidation at 1000oC. All oxide is then etched away. What is the resulting step height in silicon (assume <100>?

2. Oxide is often used as a diffusion mask during a fabrication process. Using the figure below, how much oxide is needed to mask a 4 hr boron diffusion at 1150 oC@ A 1 hr phosphorous diffusion at 1050 oC?

1336_Calculate the flux.png

Thickness of SiO2 needed to mask boron and phosphorous diffusions as a function of time and temperature

3. You want to deposit a Si (atomic weight 28 AMU) film by thermal evaporation of Si at a total pressure of 2 x 10-7 nitrogen (mass of N2 Torr at 293K. Residual gas analysis shows that most of the gas content is is 2 x 14 = 28 AMU).

a. Calculate the flux of N2 on the substrate during RT evaporation.

b. Calculate the flux of Si from the crucible held at 1500 K.

863_Calculate the flux1.png

4. Calculate the impingement rate and mean free path for oxygen molecules (M = 32) at 300 K and a pressure of 10-4 Pa. What is the pressure in Torr?

5. Briefly describe why thermal oxidation of silicon has both linear and parabolic components to the growth rate.

Reference no: EM13984748

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