Calculate the historical average and standard deviation

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132254665

Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate document. Explain how you reached the answer or show your work if a mathematical calculation is needed, or both. Submit your assignment using the assignment link above.

A. Using the two stocks you selected from Homework #1 (in the NASDAQ market, we shall look at Amazon Inc. while looking at Ford Motor Company in the NYSE.), identify the Beta for each stock. In your own words, what conclusion can you draw from the stocks' current and historical beta? If the stock market went up 10% today, what would be the impact on each of your stocks?

B. Using the 2014 financial statements from your stocks above and prepare the Historical Average and Standard Deviation for each stock.

Reference no: EM132254665

Questions Cloud

Describe the specific mechanisms of enzyme function : Enzymes are protein materials that control chemical processes. Describe the specific mechanisms of enzyme function. Pick a specific enzyme and describe.
Identifying the channels of communication : Currently Hoosier Media utilizes traditional media vehicles for marketing. This includes print advertising to solicit new and renewal newspaper subscriptions.
Describe the basic principles of ethical philosophy : Discuss how the social institutions and their basic forms could help you as the Vice President of International Operations in a Fortune 500 company.
Describe the importance of international capital structure : What risks can you identify when working with cash, credit and inventory management? Provide your rationale and any supporting data.
Calculate the historical average and standard deviation : Using the 2014 financial statements from your stocks above and prepare the Historical Average and Standard Deviation for each stock.
Explain the concept of the marketing management topic : Explain the concept of the marketing management topic selected for your paper. Examine at least 1 practical application/example for your topic.
Determine the cost of goods sold : The following relates to inventory purchases: Determine the Cost of Goods Sold and the cost of ending inventory using the FIFO and LIFO valuation methods
What is information asymmetry problem : In your own words, discuss and evaluate the following statement based on your learning from our classes as well as your own insight and example(s).
Determine the value of each stock : Determine the value of each stock by using an appropriate model based on the characteristics provided for each stock; use each model at least once.


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