Calculate the gross tax and medicare levy payable

Assignment Help Taxation
Reference no: EM131801439

Taxation Law - Tax Practice Assignment

Assessment Description 

Learning Outcome: "Tax Practice Assignment" through the preparation of an "I" Return using the GovReports government reporting software package.

Details of the assignment: The assignment  consists  of four  parts. The main Part ("Part A") requires the preparation and lodgement of a 2016/17 individual ("I") income tax return for Percy Grainger ("Percy") using GovReports. 

The completion of Part A will require the input of data either contained in the following attachments to this document, or which you determine as a consequence of completing the other three parts of the assignment: 

1. background information and  Percy's  personal financial transactions  for tax purposes (Attachment 1);

2. the financial records of his business Music While You Work (Attachment 2)

3. the financial records of the partnership Musicale (Attachment 3); and

4. extracts from the financial records of The Grainger Family Trust (Attachment 4).

The other three parts of the assignment are:

Part B - the calculation of the net income of Music While You Work;

Part C - the calculation of and the distribution of the net income of Musicale; and

Part D - the calculation of the tax payable by the trustee of The Grainger Family Trust.

Each of these parts is to be completed as separate exercises which will require students to show their workings, where necessary, and describe the reasoning behind their treatment of the items of data for taxation purposes.  It is recommended that these parts be completed prior  to the commencement of Part A.

The completion of Percy's "I"  return  using  the  GovReports  system  will require students researching the ATO's internet sites for instructions regarding the completion of an 'I' return.

Attachment 1 -

Background information and Percy Grainger's personal financial transactions for tax purposes -

Percy Grainger is a resident and is employed by a news syndicate as a music critic. As well, he owns a business, Music While You Work, which operates a music concert hall and sells musical instruments both new and second hand. He is also a partner in a music school, Musicale, with his friend Johann.

During the 2016/17 tax year, Percy was paid a salary of $200,000 as a music critic.

He sold some antique sheet music for $33,000 which he had purchased for $25,000 when he lived in Europe in 2001. Percy holds 12,000 shares in the Big Bass Drum Company and during the year received a dividend of 40 cents per share. He is advised by the company that the franking percentage was 45% franked at the company tax rate of 30%. He is also a beneficiary of The Grainger Family Trust.

Personally, Percy  believes he  is entitled to the following deductions: $1,000 for the cost of a seminar, Blowing Your Own Trumpet, he attended on how to sell musical instruments; $700 for the decline in value of a  laptop computer he uses for work-related matters; $5,600 for tickets to attend music concerts; $6,800 for travel to musical venues; $7,300 for communicating with the news syndicate via telephone and the internet (business mobile telephone calls: $1,500; business telephone calls: $1,600; internet usage): $4,200; $540 for fees charged by his accountant for the preparation of his tax return for the previous income year, and $1,000 purchasing of 5 tickets in a raffle held by a registered charity which is a deductible gift recipient.

Percy paid $4,000 for private health insurance for he and his wife, for the whole tax year. PAYG withheld on Percy's behalf amounted to $70,000.

Attachment 2 - Part B: Music While You Work

In his business Percy uses the accrual accounting. He provides you with the following information for the year ended 30/6/2017. Music While You Work is not a small business. All amounts exclude GST.



Cash sales of tickets and musical instruments


Cash received from debtors (Note 2)


Bad debt recovered (debt written off in 2015/16)


Bank loan to enable the existing acoustic tiles in the concert hall to be replaced with an improved electronic system of acoustics (Funds were borrowed on

1/10/2016 at 5.3%. The loan is due for repayment on 30/9/2021.)



Insurance proceeds: stock damaged by water (burst water pipe)


Insurance proceeds: storm damage to windows and carpets



Advertising (Note 4)


Cash drawings


Cash purchases of trading stock


Cash paid to creditors (Note 3)


Council rates


Entertainment of suppliers and large customers


Income tax paid


Legal expenses in relation to the bank loan


Payments for new acoustics (Note 5)


Repairs: water damaged stock


Repairs: storm damage


Staff wages


Superannuation for staff


Other expenses (all deductible)


Note 1: Stock on hand at 1/7/2016: $33,000; 30/6/2017: $14,000

Note 2: Debtors at 1/7/2016: $10,000; 30/6/2017: $6,000

Note 3: Creditors at 1/7/2016: $23,000; 30/6/2017: $28,000

Note 4: Percy advertises his store at the local movie-theatre. He entered into an eighteen-month contract on 1/5/2017 that cost $7,000. The amount pre-paid at 30/6/2016 on a previous contract was $4,000. That contract expired on 31/10/16.

Note 5: The work commenced on 1/9/2016 and were completed on 30/11/2016.

Note 6: Percy has advised that he had taken an instrument from stock which had cost $2,500.

Showing all workings, calculate the net income of the business for 2016/17.

Attachment 3 - Part C: Musicale

Musicale opened for business on 1 July 2016. The accounting profits and losses are to be shared equally after adjusting for special partnership items. The following transactions were recorded in the partnership's cashbook in the year ended 30 June 2017.



Fees received


Bank loan


Loan from Johann


Interest on drawings - Percy


Interest on drawings - Johann



Bank loan repayments - principal


Bank loan repayments - interest


Drawings - Percy


Drawings - Johann


Interest on capital - Percy


Interest on capital - Johann


Interest on loan from Johann


Purchase of metronomes


Rent of the music school venue and sundry expenses (all deductible)


Salaries of part-time music teachers


Salary of Percy


Salary of Johann


Superannuation contributions for part-time music teachers


Showing all workings, calculate Percy's net income from the partnership for the tax year ended 30 June 2017.

Attachment 4 - Part D: The Grainger Family Trust

The Grainger Family Trust (a family trust election having been made by the trustee) was created by Percy some years ago for investment purposes. The Trust Deed provides that all the trust's income may be either retained by the trustee or distributed to the beneficiaries.

In the year 2016/17 the trust derived trust net income of $43,000.

The trustee used his discretion to distribute the following cash amounts to the stated beneficiaries:

Percy Grainger


James Grainger

Percy's brother


Scott Grainger

James' 17 year old son


Jennifer Grainger

James' 12 year old daughter


Oliver Grainger

James' 1 year old son


The trustee also applied some of the remaining net income as follows:

  • $2,000 was set aside to pay for any future veterinary care of two ferrets 'Basher' and 'Masher' which had belonged to Percy's father, now deceased.
  • $3,500 was paid for Scott's university fees, books and a new lap-top computer.
  • $1,500 was set aside to help Oliver's parents to pay for his day-care if they decide upon this course of action when he reaches 3 years of age.
  • $1,000 was used to pay James' speeding fines.

Showing all workings, calculate the gross tax and Medicare Levy payable by the trustee (if any) for the tax year ended 30 June 2017.

Attachment:- Assignment Files.rar

Verified Expert

In this job I have introduced the importance and the rules that need to be followed according to the Queensland regulations. I have done the calculation of income tax of an individual for the current assessment year of 2017 by maintain the regulation according to the ATO and the Australian Government. in addition to this I have also followed the process and the tax threshold of the government for finding out the amount of medical levy of the individual or the trustee he is a member. Adding to this in the assignment also includes the calculation of the minority interest in the trustee (according to the ATO and the Australian government under the age bar of 18 years is regared as the minor) and are included for the taxation purpose.

Reference no: EM131801439

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2/28/2018 4:10:37 AM

HI, guys, I need asap. is it possible to deliver within 36 hours? !) In the bank loan. the calculation was done 33*5*0.053. why not 33 / 5 *0.053? or other option why not 2000/5 *0.053? (2000 is the value of legal expenses in relation to the bank loan). 2) the debt bads: why 21 and why not 1000? do we need to make this calculation? can I put in assessable income this calculation? I am copying the parts and putting in the new word document and the excel as well. This is due has some parts the other member did differently. So is it ok to copy or to cut and to put in a new word document?


1/7/2018 11:48:39 PM

The Tax Practice Assignment is a team activity with students working collaboratively in teams of a maximum of 5 each of whom will ordinarily receive the same mark. However, students should be aware that if a lecturer receives a complaint about the lack of involvement of a team member in his/her team's assignment activities, the matter will be investigated and different members of the team could be awarded different marks (including zero). Students should be aware that Kaplan’s late policies and penalties and academic integrity policies will apply.


1/7/2018 11:48:31 PM

You should make sure you are familiar with the guidelines relating to the presentation of written work, late policy and academic integrity. You should also note the assessment marking matrix below which shows how marks will be allocated. Submission: Teams are to submit all of the following electronically: a copy of Percy’s electronic tax return (Part A) as prepared using GovReports; the answers to Parts B, C, and D, including all working papers; and the Team Work Cover Sheet prepared in accordance with the instructions at the conclusion of this assignment.


1/7/2018 11:48:22 PM

Instructions: Each student is to enter his/her details on their teams Team Work Cover Sheet. Upon completion no later than Week 5, the Team Leader is to obtain a team number from his/her Lecturer and enter that number on the top line of the cover sheet. A copy of the cover sheet must be given to the Lecturer at this juncture. The cover sheet is then to be scanned and a copy forwarded to the Subject Co-ordinator who will use the information provided to set-up a Team Account/Client Name. After registering those details in GovReports, the Subject Co-ordinator will then forward that information to both the Team Leader for noting on the second line of the team’s cover sheet, and the Lecturer. The Team Leader is then to give a copy of the cover sheet to each team member. Registration of the team details in GovReports by the Subject Co-ordinator will result in the system immediately sending an email to the Team Leader inviting the team to activate its account in GovReports in accordance with the user documentation.


1/7/2018 11:48:14 PM

Submission of the assignment - The Team Leader only will upload the Team Cover Sheet and Parts A, B, C, and D of the assignment. Prior to this, the Team Leader is to advise the lecturer of the name of any team member who the other members of the team have decided should be excluded from the team marking due to insufficient involvement in the team’s assignment activities. The submitted assignment will then be marked by the Lecturer with the marks awarded being the same for each member of the team.


1/7/2018 11:48:07 PM

Your assignment should meet ALL the following requirements: (Please confirm by ticking each item before submitting your assignment) Section above has been filled out correctly. Assignment is in an easy to read, 11 pt font, arial font, with 1.5 spacing. Assignment is referenced properly (in-text and end-text references). Pages are numbered. Declaration below is completed and signed.

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