Calculate the gross pay of an employee

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM131667249


Ques 1. Write a program to calculate the gross pay of an employee based on the number of hours worked and rate of payment.
gross_pay= no_of_hours* rate

Ques 2. Write a program to display your details as below:
Student id: 1234566
Name: John Smith
Subject: Fundamentals of Software development

Ques 3. Write a program to take 3 numbers from the user convert to integer
If number 1 >=num2 , result is num1-num2, else result is number2-number1.

Ques 4. Write a program to display your grade based on your final score
if(score>85) display HD, if score>75 display D, if score>65 display CR, if score>50 display P else Fail.

Ques 5. Write a program to take two numbers from user, divide them and return remainder.

Reference no: EM131667249

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