Calculate the fourier transform

Assignment Help Mathematics
Reference no: EM131077526

Sample midterm 2 questions-

1. Consider - y''(x) - k2y(x) = f(x)

for -∞ < x < ∞, subject to the boundary conditions

limx→-∞ y(x) = limx→∞ y(x) = 0.

Find a Green function solution of the form

y(x) =  -∞G(x, x')f(x')dx'.

2. Define hλ(x) = e-λx^2 for any λ > 0.

(a) Calculate the Fourier transform h˜λ of hλ.

(b) Calculate the convolution g = hλ ∗ hµ.

(c) For the case of λ = 1 and µ = 2, sketch hλ, hµ, and g.

(d) Verify that the Fourier transform of g is equal to 2πh˜λh˜µ.

You may use the result that

-∞e-λx^2dx = √(π/λ).

3. (a) By using Fourier and/or Laplace transforms, solve the partial differential equation

∂f/∂t + c(∂f/∂x) = b(∂2f/∂x2)

for the function f(x, t), where b > 0 and the initial condition is f(x, 0) = δ(x).

You may use the result that

-∞∫∞e-λx^2dx = √(π/λ).

(b) Write down a Green function solution to the problem

∂f/∂t + c(∂f/∂x) = b(∂2f/∂x2)

subject to the initial condition f(x, 0) = g(x).

(c) Explicitly evaluate the solution in part (b) for the case when g(x) = e-ax, and check that it satisfies the partial differential equation and initial condition.

4. (a) Calculate the Fourier series of


 (b) By using Parseval's theorem, show that

π2/8 = n=0 1/(2n + 1)2.

5. Use Laplace transforms to solve the differential equation

y'' + 6y' + 8y = e-3t

subject to the boundary conditions y(0) = 1 and y'(0) = 0.

Reference no: EM131077526

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