Calculate the formation factor for both cores and the model

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Reference no: EM13663127

Unconventional Gas exploitation

• Get familiar with the website of CSUR. They have some ‘Understanding Booklets' on unconventional resources that will be of your interest for this course. These are free. You do not have to turn these booklets in to the TAs. These are for your own information.

• Download from ‘onepetro' and get familiar with SPE papers: 165360-PA (Aguilera), 114174-MS (Aguilera) and 2007-208 (Aguilera and Harding). These papers are free for students registered in this course. You do not have to turn these papers in to the TAs. These are for your own information

• Get familiar with the most recent website of BP statistical review of world energy (2014). Develop a crossplot of natural gas production in billion cubic feet per day between 1970 and 2013 for the world and also for Canada. Print your plots. Black and white is fine. Write down briefly on your graphs any observations you might have regarding the contrast you observe between the 2 curves you prepared.

• Download from ‘onepetro' and get familiar with SPE papers: 119620-MS (Thompson et al), 137416-MS (Taylor et al) and 142727-MS (Leguizamon and Aguilera). These papers are free for students registered in this course. You do not have to turn these papers in to the TAs. These are for your own information (Next week lecture is on hydraulic fracturing of unconventional reservoirs).

• Reproduce the columns shown on Table 2 of SPE 114174 and plotted in Figure 5 (blue color). Results from the core experiments shown by black boxes in Figure 5 are as follows:

Cores phi:    m
0.014        1.40358
0.033        1.51237
0.046        1.71582
0.017        1.50583
0.075        1.72189

Prepare a plot similar to Figure 5. Run exactly the same calculations but assuming that mf is equal to 1.0. Plot your results in the same graph and explain the difference.

Calculate the formation factor (F) for both cores and the model (using both values of mf) and plot all your results on a standard log-log cross-plot of F vs. porosity.

Reference no: EM13663127

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