Calculate the following properties of isobutane

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM131155963

Problem 5.14: Use the SRK equation to calculate the following properties of isobutane:

a) Residual enthalpy and entropy at 10 bar, 300 K.

b) Enthalpy and entropy at 10 bar, 300 K using as reference state the saturated liquid at 1 bar (Tsat = 266 K).

c) Enthalpy and entropy at 10 bar, 300 K using as reference state the hypothetical ideal-gas state at 1 bar 266 K.

d) Enthalpy and entropy of vaporization at 1 bar.

The ideal-gas constant-pressure heat capacity may be taken to be constant and equal to 96.5 J/mol K.

Reference no: EM131155963

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