Calculate the es and ls budgets for project

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133183228

For the project in the excel file and the MS Project ?les attached to this exam in Blackboard, answer the following questions: You can use MS Project and then export your answers.

A) Calculate the ES and LS budgets for this project. Schedule all activities to start at their ES time and then at their LS times to answer this question.

B) Calculate the actual budget based on the planned schedule.

C) As of 4/26, what is the status of the project? Is it on time, on budget. etc. Use the percent complete column to answer this.

D) What is the forecasted completion time and cost of this project if efficiencies do not change.

E) What must our efficiencies be to ?nish on time planned and on budget planned.

Reference no: EM133183228

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