Calculate the equivalent horizontal and vertical hydraulic

Assignment Help Civil Engineering
Reference no: EM13564845

1.What is the velocity of the blocks 5.00 after the blocks have started moving? Assume that the rope joining the two blocks in long enough so that, at this time, block A is on the frictionless surface while block B is still on the rough surface.

2.A glass jar is heated in an oven and sealed when the air pressure is 103 kPa and the temperature is 105 C. Find the absolute, gage, and vacuum pressures in the jar when it cools to 20 C. Find the absolute, gage, and vacuum pressure heads in meters of 20 C water.

3.The stratification of the same aquifer at three locations is shown below. Calculate the equivalent horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivities for each location.

Reference no: EM13564845

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